www.esic.nic.in ESIC Haryana recruitment 2013 for Staff Nurse and para medical staff jobs online application form

ESIC Haryana released a recruitment notification for the staff nurse and para medical staff  jobs through online application form www.esic.nic.in

  1. Employees' State Insurance Corporation ESIC Haryana  has released a recruitment notification for the staff nurse and para medical staff jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published website www.esic.nic.in.
  2. Candidates who are interested for this ESIC haryana recruitment of staff nurse and para medical staff jobs they must follow official website www.esic.nic.in. ESIC haryana recruitment total 36 numbers of staff nurse and paramedical staff jobs and invites online application forms.
  3. Candidates who want to apply this ESIC haryana jobs they must download online application form from the website www.esic.nic.in duly filled form sent before 23.07.2013. Required details of this staff nurse and para medical staff jobs available in the website www.esic.nic.in.
Candidates see below detailed information of this recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
name of the post: 
1. Staff nurse
2. Pharmacisit
3. lab assistant
4. Lab technician 
5. Jr. Radiographer
6. Nursing orderly
7. Dresser
8. Cook
9. Jr.  MRT
10  OT Technician
11. CSR/CSSD assistant
Total number of posts: 36

Age limit: Candidates age must not attained 60 years as on time of appointment.

Educational qualifications: Candidates must posses diploma in general nursing and midwife and matriculation, 10+2 from recognized university. For  post wise details see notification.

Selection process: Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of ESIC haryana staff nurse and para medical staff jobs  they have to apply through online application form. Candidates must download  application form from the website www.esic.nic.in duly filled form sent before 23.07.2013 to the address medical superintend,  ESIC model Hospital, Sector 9A, Gurgaon (Haryana). 

Candidates must visit www.esic.nic.in for the recruitment of ESIC haryana staff nurse and para medical staff nurse jobs details and online application form.

Last date for submission of online application form : 23.07.2013
Interview date: 30.07.2013.
Venue: ESIC Model hospital, 9A sector,Gurgaon.