NRHM MP recruitment 2013 for District programme manager Jobs Apply Online Application

NRHM MP released a recruitment notification for the district programme manager jobs through online application

  1. National Rural health Mission Madhya pradesh NRHM MP has released a recruitment notification for the district programme manager jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested and eligible for this recruitment of NRHM MP jobs they must follow official website NRHM MP recruitment total 50 numbers of district programme manager jobs.
  3. Candidates who want to apply  for this recruitment of district programme manager jobs they have to apply through online application. Last date for submission of online application 12.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: District programme manager
Number of posts: 50

Age limit: Candidates age should be between 21-40 years as on 01.01.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have AICTE recognized PG Diploma in public health and health management, PGDHM, PGDRM, PHDHEP, MBA, MSW (Any one of the above.)

Selection process; Candidates selection is based on the written test.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of NRHM MP district programme manager jobs they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of application 12.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the NRHM MP recruitment of  district programme manager jobs details and apply online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 12.08.2013