CSIR scientist and Sr. Scientist recruitment 2013 jobs online application www.csir.res.in

CSIR released a recruitment notification for the scientist and Sr. scientist jobs through online application form www.csir.res.in.

  1. Council Of Industrial and scientific research CSIR has released a recruitment notification for the scientist and Sr. scientist jobs through online application. this recruitment details are officially published in website www.csir.res.in.
  2. CSIR recruitment total 22 numbers of scientist and Sr. scientist jobs and invites online application. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of these CSIR jobs they must follow official website www.csir.res.in.
  3. Candidates who want to apply this CSIR scientist and Sr. scientist jobs they have to apply online application through the website www.csir.res.in and filled application hard copy sent with in one week from last of submission of online application.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
Name of the post: 
1. Principal scientist/Sr.principal scientist: 03
2. Scientist/Sr. Scientist: 19 

Age limit: Candidates must posses 45-50 years for post no.1 and 32-37 years for post no.2.

Educational qualifications: Candidates must posses Ph. D, B.Tech/ M.Sc/ M.E/M.tech in relevant field. Brief details of education qualifications see notifications.

Fee: Candidates have to pay 500/- in the form of demand draft drawn on state bank of India in favour of joint secretary(Admn), CSIR, new Delhi. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates.

Selection process: Candidates selection is made by test/ interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply these recruitment of CSIR scientist and Sr. scientist jobs they have to apply through online application through website www.csir.res.in. last date for submission of application 30.07.2013. After sucessful submission take a print out and this hard copy of  application send to the address "joint secretary (Admn), council of industrial and scientific research, Anusandhan bhawan, 2, Rafi marg, New Delhi-110001 along with supporting document copies and DD should be reach before with in one week form submission of online application and envelop containing application superscribed with "Application for the post of scientist, post code................". 

Candidates must visit www.csir.res.in for the recruitment of CSIR scientist and Sr. scientist jobs details and apply online application.

Last date for submission of application: 30.07.2013.
last date receipt of application: with in one week from the submission online application.

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