Showing posts with label AIIMS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AIIMS. Show all posts AIIMS New Delhi Scientists jobs Recruitment 2013 Online application form

AIIMS new Delhi released a recruitment notification for the scientists jobs through online application

  1. All india institute of medical sciences released a recruitment notification for the scientist jobs through online application form. this jobs details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow offiical website for details and online application form. 
  3. This AIIMS jobs are scientist -I and Scientist- II. Total number of posts are 43.
  4. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through online application form download  through  website last date for submission of application with in 30 days from publication of advertisement.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the posts:
1.Scientist - I -22
2. Scientist -II - 21
Total number of posts: 43.

Age: Candidates must have 45 years as on last date of receipt of application. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must  have passed M.Sc in relevant subject for post no.1 and Ph.D for post no.2.

Fee: General and OBC candidates pay 500/- and SC/ST candidates pay 100/- in the form of bank draft in favour of director AIIMS payable at  new Delhi.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through online application form download from the website Candidates duly filled application in all respects should be submit Sr. Administrative officer, All India Institute of medical sciences, Ansari nagar New Delhi - 110608 with in 30 after publication of advertisement.Envelop containing superscribed with "Application for the post of .............................and in the  department of .........................along with category which candidates belongs.

Candidates must visit for the AIIMS new Delhi recruitment details and online application form.

Date of advertisement: 24.10.2013.
Last date submission of application: with in 30 days from date of publication of advertisement.

AIIMS rishikesh attendant grade -III jobs recruitment 2013 Online Application form

AIIMS Rishikesh released a recruitment notification for the attendant grade -III jobs through online application form

  1. All India Institute of Medical Science AIIMS rishikesh has released a recruitment notification for the attendant grade -III jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. AIIMS rishikesh recruitment total 40 numbers of attendant grade- III jobs and invites online application form. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of AIIMS rishikesh jobs they must follow official website
  3. Candidates who want to apply this attendant grade -III jobs they must have to apply through online application form Last date for submission of receipt of application 05.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details: 
Name of the post: Hospital Attendant grade- III
Number of posts: 40

Age limit: Candidates must have age limit between 18-30 years as on 05.08.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have passed 8th class and desirable experience of  having worked in a civil or military hospital.

Fee:  General & OBC candidates must have to pay 250/- in the form of demand draft/pay order/postal order in the mane of AIIMS , Rishikesh payable at rishikesh. SC/ST/PHC candidates are not required to pay the fee.

Selection process: Candidates selection is based on the interview.

how to apply: Candidates who are eligible for this attendant grade -III jobs of AIIMS rishikesh they have to apply through online application form. Candidates download these online application form from the website And duly filled form with attested photocopies of required certificates and affix recent pas port size photograph envelop containing application should be superscribed with "Application for the post of __________" send by speed /ordinary/ registered post reach before 05.08.2013 to the address Administrative officer, All India Institute of medical Science, Virbhadra marg, Rishikesh- 249201.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of AIIMS Rishikesh attendant grade -III jobs details and online application form.

Last date for receipt of application: 05.08.2013

AIIMS New Delhi Sister Grade-II recruitment 2013 Online Application 1004 Jobs

AIIMS released a recruitment notification for the sister grade-II jobs through online application

  1. All India Institute of medical Sciences AIIMS New Delhi has released a recruitment notification for the sister grade-II jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. AIIMS recruitment total 1004 numbers of Sister grade-II jobs and invites online application form. Candidates who are eligible for the sister grade-II jobs of AIIMS recruitment they must follow official website for details and online application.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of AIIMS jobs of sister grade-II they have to apply through online application from 15.07.2013 to 05.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Sister Grade-II
Number of posts: 1004 (UR- 532,  SC- 145, ST- 70, OBC-257,  PH(OL)- 35)

Age limit: Candidates must have 30 years and upper age relaxation applicable as per rules.

Educational  Qualifications:  Candidates must have passed matriculation or its equivalent and certificate in general nursing and midwifery, ans should registered "A" grade nurse and midwife with state nursing council.

Fee: General/OBC candidates have to apy 500/- and SC/ST candidates have to pay 100/- pay the fee through the challan in any branch of state of bank of India or through debit/credit card. These payment challan download while applying online.

Selection process: Candidates selection is made by the writtentest and interview for recruitment of sister grade- II jobs for AIIMS.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of AIIMS sister grade-II jobs they have to apply through online application through website Candidates can apply through online application from 15.07.2013 to 05.08.2013.

Candidates must see for the sister grade-II jobs of AIIMS recruitment details and apply online application.

Submission  of online application starts from 15.07.2013
Last date foe submission: 05.08.2013
Last date for fee payment: 07.08.2013 
Date of examination: 25.08.2013.

AIIMS Group B Nursing Jobs Recruitment 2013 Online Application Form

AIIMS Released a recruitment notification for the group B nursing jobs through online application form

  1. All India Institute of Medical Science AIIMS Patna has released a recruitment notification for the group b nursing jobs through this recruitment notification. This AIIMS recruitment notification details and online application are officially published in website
  2. Candidates must follow official website for the recruitment details and online application. Candidates who want to apply this AIIMS group B nursing jobs they apply though online application.
  3. AIIMS Recruitment total 835 group B nursing jobs and candidates apply through online application from the 11.07.2013 to 10.08.2013.
Candidates see below for complete information of recruitment

Vacancy Details:
Number of posts: 835
Name of the posts:
1. Staff Nurse Gr- I
2. Staff Nurse- Gr-II
3. Assistant Administrative Office
4. Librarian Gr-I
5. Assistant NS
6. PA to Principal

Age limit: Candidates must have 30 years for post No.2 and 40 years for  remaining all posts.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates required B.Sc nursing/M.Sc Nursing/masters of nursing for post no.1 and matriculation or A grade nurse and midwife, degree/personal management/labor laws, PG Degree, degree form recognized university.

Fee: General and OBC candidates have to pay 500/- and SC/ST candidates have to pay 100/- make the payment through online mode.

Selection process: Candidates selection process for the AIIMS Group B nursing  recruitment is based on the written test, skill test, interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of group b nursing jobs of AIIMS they have to apply through online application from the website Online application registration starts from 11.07.2013 to 10.08.2013.

Note: Candidates notice thus the new scheduled of AIIMS online application submission.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of AIIMS group b nursing jobs and online application.

Opening date of submission of online application: 11.07.2013
Closing date of submission of application: 10.08.2013

Click here for recruitment details
Click here for apply online application

Click here for more jobs
Click here for more recruitment

AIIMS Recruitment 2013 for Professors Jobs Online Application form

AIIMS released a recruitment notification for the professors jobs through online application form

  1. All India Institute of medical Sciences AIIMS released a recruitment notification for the recruitment of professors jobs through online application form.Candidates visit  for the details & online application form.
  2. Candidates must follow official website for the professors jobs details and AIIMS recruitment total 118 professor jobs through online application form. Last date of submission of application 29.07.2013.
  3. This AIIMS professors jobs are professor, additional professor, assistant professor, associate professors. Candidates who want to apply this jobs they download online application form from the of this AIIMS recruitment of professor jobs.
Candidates see below for complete information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details: 
Name of the posts:
1. Professors
2. Additional Professors
3. Assistant professor
4. Associate professor
Total Number of posts: 118

Age limit: Candidates not exceed 50 years for  assistant and associate professor, 58 years for professors and additional professor jobs.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must required M.D., M.S., Ph.D., M.Ch in relevant feild. Post wise qualification see official notification.

Fee: Application fee Rs- 1000/- and for SC/ST Rs/- 300 in the form of demand draft drawn in favor of AIIMS bhubaneshwar payable at bhubaneshwar  candidates also make the payment through Online/NEFT.

Selection process: Candidates selection for the recruitment of AIIMS  professors jobs is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this AIIMS professors jobs recruitment they have to apply through online application form. This online application form can be download from the website from 29.06.203 to 29.07.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitemnt details of professors jobs of AIIMS and online application form.

Opening dates online application registration: 29.06.2013
Closing date for online application form: 29.07.2013

AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2013 for Various jobs Online Application

AIIMS released recruitment notification for the various jobs through online application

AIIMS Recruitment details: All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal released a recruitment notification for the various jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested for this AIIMS jobs they must follow official website. AIIMS recruitment total 175 jobs through this notification. AIIMS invited online applications for the recruitment of this various jobs. Last date for submission of online application 16.07.2013. Candidates apply through online application through the website This various jobs are Sr & Jr. Resident, Tutor, medical officer, technical and paramedical staff. Required details of this AIIMS recruitment like age, qualification, fee, selection, how to apply are mentioned below.

AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2013 for various jobs Online Application

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post:
Senior Resident
Junior Resident
Number of posts: 175

Age limit: Age limit refers to completed age in years as on 01.01.2014. Candidates see official advertisement for post wise age limit.

Educational Qualifications:  Candidates must have 10+2, M.A, M.Sc, MBBS, Degree or Diploma according to post.

Application Fee: General & OBC candidates have to pay the fee 800/-, no fees for Sc/ST candidates. This fee shall be paid through NEFT/ Online transfer only.

Selection process: Candidates selection for the recruitment of  AIIMS jobs for is based on the written examination/interview.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested and eligible for this recruitment of AIIMS jobs they have to apply through online application, through the website last date of apply through online application 16-07-2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of AIIMS jobs and online application.

AIIMS Recruitment 2013 for 109 various jobs through online application form

AIIMS released a recruitment notification for various jobs through online application form

AIIMS Recruitment 2013: All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur has released a notification for the recruitment of Various jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates need apply through online application form for jobs of AIIMS, this various jobs are Senior resident, Tutor/demonstrator, junior resident. AIIMS recruitment total 109 jobs through this notification. This recruitment details and online application form available in the website Last date for applying 14.06.2013. Required details of this AIIMS recruitment of various jobs like age, qualification, fee, how to apply are mentioned below.

AIIMS Recruitment 2013 for 109 various jobs Online Application Form

Vacancy Details:
Number of posts: 109
Name of the post:
1. Senior resident
2. Tutor/Demonstrator
3. Junior resident

Age limit: Candidates who are applying for the senior resident jobs they have age 33 years and  for demonstrator, junior resident required age 30 years and age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational qualifications: Qualification required for senior resident jobs for medical candidates PG degree in MD/MS/MHA/MDS and for non medical M.Sc and Ph.D in subject concerned for mrecognized university. For more details visit official website.

Fee: General and OBC candidates have to pay the fee 100/- and for SC/ST candidates have no fee. This fee is paid in the form of Demand draft in favour of AIIMS Raipur payable at raipur.

How to apply: Candidates who are eligible and interested for this AIIMS recruitment of various jobs they apply through online application form. This form available in the website Candidates need to download this online application form and duly filled and should submit along with all required copies of certificates and affix recent pass port size photo graph and sent in a sealed envelop containing application super scribed  with  name of the post applied for, should reach on or before 14.06.2013. To the address Aii India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur Chhattisgarh, Tatibandh, GE Road Raipur- 492099. 

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details AIIMS jobs and online application form

Closing date for receipt of applications: 14.06.2013

AIIMS Recruitment 2013 for 163 Jr. Resident Jobs Online Application

AIIMS released a notification of recruitment of Jr. Resident Jobs through Online Application 

AIIMS Recruitment details 2013: All India Institute of Medical sciences has release a notification for the recruitment of Jr. Resident jobs through this notification. This recruitment notification details are officially published in website AIIMS recruit total 163 jobs through this notification. Candidates who are interested for this AIIMS Jr.resident jobs they apply through online application. This online application available in the website Candidates who are eligible for this AIIMS recruitment of Jr. Resident jobs they must follow official website Candidates need to apply through online application before 10.06.2013. Required details of AIIMS recruitment of Jr. resident jobs mentioned below.

AIIMS Recruitment 2013 for 163 Jr. Resident Jobs Online Application

Vacancy Details:
Total Number of Posts: 163
Name of the Jr. resident

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have passed MBBS or equivalent degree recognized by MCI.And those who have completed MBBS or equivalent course between 01.07.2011 to 30.06.2013 only will be considered.

Selection process:  Selection process is based on the rank obtained in the May 2013 AIIMS PG entrance Examination. For more details about selection see official website

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this AIIMS jobs of Jr.resident recruitment they apply through online application on or before 10.06.2013 from official website

Important Date of AIIMS Jr. resident jobs:
Last date for online application: 10.06.2013
Date for selection process: 24.06.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of AIIMS jobs of Jr. resident and online application.