Showing posts with label BSF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BSF. Show all posts

Constable (Tradesman) Jobs in BSF recruitment 2013 Online Application Form

BSF released a recruitment notification for the constable (tradesman) jobs through online application form

  1. Border Security Force BSF has released a recruitment notification for the constable jobs through online application form. this jobs details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website BSF recruitment total 1436 constable jobs.
  3. Candidates who want apply for this recruitment of  BSF they have to apply through online application form download from the website Duly filled application submit before closing date given below.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
Name of the posts: Constable (Tradesman)
Number of posts: 1436

Age limit: Candidate age should be 18-23 years as on 01.08.2013. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses matriculation/ two years experience in respective trade/ one year certificate course in industrial training institute/ two years diploma in industrial training institute.

Fee:  Candidates have to apy 50/- in the form of crossed postal order/demand draft in favour of concerned IG/DIG commandant payable at concerned head quarter given in the notification.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the written test, trade test, PST and PET.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of BSF constable (tradesman) jobs thru have to apply through online application form download from the website This duly filled application with affix a recent pass port size photo graph, one self addressed envelop and all required certificate/testimonials copies should be reach to the concerned head quarter under which their state falls reach before after 30 days publication of this advertisement in employment news. Envelop containing application superscribed with "Application for the post of constable (tradesman ) in BSF".

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of BSF constable (tradesman) details and online application form.

Date of advertisement: 12.08.2013

Last date for submission of application: after 30 days publication of this advertisement in employment news. BSF recruitment 2013 Constable (GD) jobs in Sports Quota Online Application Form

BSF released a recruitment  notification for the constable (GD) jobs through online application form

  1. Border Security Force BSF ha released a recruitment notification for the constable (GD) jobs in sports quota through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. BSF invites online application forms from only male candidates  for recruitment of constable (GD) jobs. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of BSF they must follow official website
  3. BSF recruitment total 90 numbers of constable (GD) jobs through this notification. Candidates download online application form from the website duly filled form send before closing date.
Candidates must see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Constable (GD)
Number of posts: 90

Age limit: Candidates must posses age between 18- 23 yeas as on 01.08.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have passed matriculation/10th  form recognized board/university.

Fee: SC/ST candidates are exempted from fee. other than these candidates have to pay 50/- in the form of demand draft or postal order. Postal payable at post office Chhawala in foavour of Commandant 25 Bn BSF. DD payable at SBI BSF Chhawala New Delhi.

Selection : Selection of candidates is based on the hight bar/test, medical examination, physical standard test, Identity test and documentation.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of BSF Constable (GD) jobs they have to apply through online application form. Candidates download this form from the website and duly filled with all details and affix a recent pas port size photograph and self addressed envelop with 5/- postal stamp and all  required copies certificates and DD or fee receipt send to the address OIC sports Chhawala, C/O 25 Bn BSF, Chhawala Camp, Post office Chhawala, new Delhi,  pin code- 110071 with in 30 days from date of publication of this advertisement and superscribe the envelop "Application for the recruitment of Sportsperson in BSF against Sports Quota.

Candidates must visit for the BSF recruitment of constable (GD)  in sports quota jobs details and online application form.

Last date for submission of application: with in 30 days from date of publication of advertisement.
Date of publication of advertisement: 09.07.2013.
Last date flung areas:   With in 45 days.

BSF Recruitment 2013 for various jobs through Online Application form

BSF released a recruitment notification for the various jobs through online application form

BSF recruitment details: Border Security Force BSF has released a recruitment notification for the various jobs through online application form. This BSF recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested for this BSF jobs they must follow official website BSF recruitment total 59 numbers of this jobs through online application form. Candidates need to download online application form from the website duly filled form sent before closing date. BSF invites recruitment of this jobs are SI, SI(Sr.Radiographer), ASI,HC,CT. Required details of this recruitment like age, qualification, fee, selection, how to apply are mentioned below.

BSF Recruitment 2013 for 2013 various Jobs Online Application Form

Vacancy details:
Name of the post:
1. SI (Staff Nurse)
2. SI (Sr. Radiographer)
3. ASI(Pharmacist-qualified)
4. ASI OT-Technical
5. HC (electrician)
6. CT(dresser)
Total number of posts: 59

Age limit: Candidates must have age for post no.1 is 21-30 years, for no. 2 post  30 years, post no. 3,5 & 6 required 18-25 years and post no. 4 required age 20-25 years as on last date of receving of applications. Upper age limit relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses 10+2, degree/diploma with science or its equivalent, diploma in electrician according to post. Breif details for qualification see official website.

Fee: Candidates have to pay the 50 /- as application fee in the form of postal order/bank draft drawn in favour of respective examination centers payable at respective branches.No fee for  SC/ST and female candidates.

Selection process:Candidates selection for BSF recruitment is based on the written test, PST,PET, medical examination, documentation.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this jobs of BSF recruitment they have to apply through online application form.This online application form which is available in the website Candidates fill this form with all required details affix recent pass port size photo graph along with two self addressed envelops 27/- worth postal stamp with all copies of documents and envelop containing containing application superscribed with application for the post..........." and should be reach before closing date.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of BSF jobs and online application form.

Last date submission of application: With in 30 days from the date of publishing advertisement.