CDMO Sambalpur released a recruitment notification for the pharmacist, MPHW jobs through online application form
- Office of the District Chief Medical Officer CDMO sambalpur has released a recruitment notification for the Pharmacist, MPHW jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
- Candidates who are eligible for this recruitment of CDMO sambalpur jobs they must follow offcial website CDMO Sambalpur recruitment total 151 jobs through online application form.
- Canididates who want to apply this CDMO Sambalpur recruitment of pharmacist, MPHW jobs they must download online application form from the website and duly filled form should be sent before 16.07.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment
Vacancy details:
Name of the post:
1.Staff nurse
2. Radiographer
3. laboratory technician
4. MPHW(M)
5. MPHW(F)
6. Pharmacist
Total number of posts: 151
Age limit: Candidates age not below 18 years and not above 32 years as on 30.06.2013
Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses B.Sc nursing/Diploma in GNM, medical radiation technology, DMLT, passed pharmacy course, MPHW (F) traning course from Govt. ANM training center detailed information of qualification see notification.
How to apply: Candidates who want to appy this CDMO Sambalpur recruitment of pharmacist, MPHW jobs they have to apply through online application form. These can be download from the website Candidates fill this application form with all details affixrecent pass port size photograph and envelop containing application superscribed with name of the post applied for along with self addressed envelop with 25/- postal stamp should be reach before 16.07.2013.
Candidates must visit for the recruitment of CDMO sambalpur pharmacist, MPHW jobs details and online application form.
Last date for receipt of application: 16.07.2013.