Showing posts with label DEO jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEO jobs. Show all posts

State health Society Bihar Recruitment 2013 various 1177 jobs Online application form

State health Society bihar released  recruitment notification for various 1177 jobs through online application

  1.  State Heath Society Bihar has released a recruitment notification for various 1177 jobs through online application form. This jobs details are officially published in website
  2.  Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website for recruitment details ad online application form. Total number of posts are 1177.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through online application from the website  Last date for receipt of application 06.10.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.
Name of the posts: 
  1. Radiation Safety officer
  2. Regional Programme manager
  3. health management info System
  4. Bio Medical Engineer
  5. Nursing Consultant (State level)
  6. Nursing Consultant (RPMU)
  7. Nursing Coordinator
  8. Senior DOTs plus TB-HIV supervisor
  9. Microbiologist
  10. Assistant programme Officer Epidemiologist
  11. Secretarial Assistant
  12. Rehabilitation Worker
  13. Consultant medicine
  14. Staff nurse
  15. Sanitary Attendant
  16. Entomologist
  17. Consultant Finance
  18. District Epidemiologist
  19. District Data manager
  20. Data Entery operator
  21. Consultant family planning
  22. Consultant G2P payment project
  23. Divisional ASHA coordinator
  24. District community Mobilizer
  25. District Date Assistant
  26. Eye Surgeon
  27. Budget & Finance Officer
  28. Date Entry operator (State level)
  29. District leprosy Consultant
  30. Physiotherapist
  31. para medical Worker
  32. Block M&E assistant Cum DEO
Total number of posts : 1177

Age limit: Candidates must have age 45 years for no. 1 to 7 and 16,17,18 and 32, 33 and 62 years for post no. 8,9,10 & 11 and 65 years for 26,27,28,29 &30, 31  posts and 40 years for post no. 14, 15,12,19,20, 22,23 & 24,25 and 50 years for post no. 13.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses post graduation, MBA, Degree, matriculation, MBBS . Candidates see post wise qualification details in notification.

Fee: General category candidates pay 500/- and BC/EBC candidates pay 300/- and SC/ST candidates pay 200/- pay the fee in the form of bank draft except for posts at 31 & 32  any nationalized bank in favor of  state health society, Bihar payable at Patna.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through online application  from the website  Candidates get bar coded  acknowledgement  and bank draft sent to the address The executive director, state health society bihar, pariwar kalyan bhawan, sheikhpura, patna- 800014 by speed/registered post reach on or before 06.10.2013.And for the post 31 & 32 candidates download application form from the website filed form sent to the address civil surgeon cum member secretary, District health society....................... (name of the concerned District) sent by speed or registered post reach before 06.10.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of State helath society bihar  of various jobs and application form. 

last date for receipt of application: 06.10.2013.

CG State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd Jr. Technical Asstt, DEO Jobs recruitment 2013 Online Application form

CG State civil supplies corporation Ltd released a recruitment notification for the jobs  jr. Technical Asstt, DEO  through online application form

  1. Chhattisgarh CG state civil supplies corporation Ltd has released a recruitment notification for the  JrTechnical Asstt, DEO jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of Jr. Technical Asstt, DEO jobs of CG state civil supplies corporation they must follow official website CG state civil supplies corporation Ltd recruitment total 84 numbers of Jr. Technical Asstt, DEOjobs and invites online application form.
  3. Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of CG state civil supplies corporation Ltd they download online application form from the website and duly filled form sent before 25.07.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details: 
Name of the post: 
1. Jr. Technical Assistant- 14 (Regular)
2. Jr. Technical Assistant - 35 (Contract)
3. Data Entry operator -35 Contract

Age limit: Candidates age not less than 18 years as on 30.06.2013

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses B.Sc in agriculture/botany for post no. 1 & 2 and Diploma/Degree in computer from recognized university for post no. 3.

Selection process: Candidates selection  for the jobs of  Jr.Technical Asstt, DEO is based on the merit/computer test/interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of CG State civil supplies corporation Ltd  Jr. Technical Asstt, DEO they have to apply through online application form. Candidates download these online application form from the website Candidates fill this form all details should be attached required copies of testimonials/certificates should sent before 25.07.2013.

Candidates must follow official website for the CG state civil supplies corporation ltd  Jr. Technical Asstt, DEO  jobs details and online application form.

Last date for submission of  receipt of applications: 25.07.2013