Delhi University Released a notification for the recruitment of Jr. Assistant jobs through online application form
Delhi University Recruitment 2013: Delhi University has released a notification for the recruitment of Jr. Assistant jobs through online application form. This Jr. assistant recruitment details and online application form is available in the website Delhi University Recruitment total 60 numbers of jobs through this notification. Candidates who are interested for this Delhi university Jr. assistant jobs they must follow official website Last date for receipt of applications 14.06.2013. Candidates need to download online application form and fill this in proper manner should sent before closing date. Required details of recruitment of this Delhi university jobs Jr. Assistant like qualification how to apply are mentioned below.
Delhi University Recruitment 2013 for Jr. assistant Jobs online Application form
Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Jr. Assistant
Number of post: 60
Educational Qualifications: Candidates who are interested for this Delhi University jobs of Jr. Assistant they have 10+2/ Graduation and diploma/ computer applications certificate course duration min. Six months/ Finanace management/ office management /its equivalent.
How to apply: Candidates who are interested and eligible for this Jr. assistant jobs of Delhi university recruitment they have to apply through online application form. This application form availiable in the website Candidates need to download online application form and duly filled along with self attested photo copies of certificates and should be sent to the address central dairy section, New administrative Block, University of Delhi, Delhi- 110007 on or before 14.06.2013.
Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of Delhi University Jobs of Jr. assistant and online application form.
Closing date for receipt of applications : 14.06.2013