GBT Hospital released recruitment notification for the Sr & Jr resident jobs through online application form
- Guru Tej bahadur GBT hospital released a recruitment notification for the Sr & Jr resident jobs through online application form. This jobs details are officially published in website
- Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website for details and online application form. Total number of Sr & Jr resident posts 191 jobs.
- Candidates who want apply they download online application form from the website Last date submission of application 05.09.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.
Vacancy details:
Name of the posts:
1. Sr. Resident - 108
2. Jr. Resident - 83
Total number of posts: 191
Age limit: Candidates age should be 40 years for Ur/ general and 43 years for OBC and for Sc/ST 45 years as on 05.09.2013.
Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses Post graduation degree and diploma/two years experience qualification for Sr. resident and MBBS for Jr. residents.
Fee: Un reserved and OBC candidates pay the fee 500/- in form of demand draft and no fee for SC/ST/PH candidates.
Selection: Candidates selection is based on the interview.
How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this GBT hospital recruitment they have to apply for this Sr & jr resident jobs download online application form from the website Duly filled application form submitted before 05.09.2013 to the address Establishment- I branch, Room no. 331, IIIrd Floor, Administrative block, GBTH.
Candidates must visit for the recruitment of GBT hospital Sr & Jr residents jobs details and online application form.
last date for submission of application: 05.09.2013.
Click here for recruitment details and online application form