IIT Madras released a recruitment notification for the Trade & Technical Apprentices Jobs through online Application Form www.iitm.ac.in
IIT Madras Recruitment 2013: Indian Institute of Technology of Madras IIT Madras has released a notification for the recruitment of Trade & technical apprentices jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website www.iitm.ac.in. Candidates who are interested for IIT Madras jobs they apply through online application form. This Online application form available in the website ww.iitm.ac.in. Candidates who are eligible for this recruitment of IIT Madras trade & technical apprentices jobs they visit www.iitm.ac.in for the recruitment details and online application form. Candidates need to download application form and should sent on or before 21.06.2013.Required details for this recruitment like age, education qualification, selection are given below.
IIT Madras Recruitment 2013 for Trade & Technical Apprentices Jobs online Application form www.iitm.ac.in
Vacancy details:
Name of the post:
1. Trade Apprentices
2. Technical Apprentices
Educational qualifications: Diploma holders in Mechanical/ Electronics/ Electrical Engineering they are eligible for Technical Apprentices jobs and ITI certificates holders are eligible for Trade apprentices jobs.
How to Apply: Candidates who are interested for this jobs IIT Madras trade & technical apprentices recruitment they must apply through online application form. This online application form is available in the website www.iitm.ac.in. Candidates download the application form and filled the form and send with copies of certificates in support with educational and date of birth should be reach 21.06.2013.
Candidates visit www.iitm.ac.in for the recruitment of IIT Madras Jobs details of trade & Technical apprentices and online application form.
Last date for receipt of applications: 21.06.2013