Showing posts with label JKPSC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JKPSC. Show all posts

JKPSC Recruitment 2013 for J&K police and Accountant jobs competitive combined examination Application form

JKPSC released a recruitment notification for the J&K police, accounts jobs through application form

  1. Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission JKPSC released a recruitment notification for the J&K police, accounts jobs through application form. this jobs details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment recruitment they must follow official website for details of JKPSC jobs. Total number posts are 99.
  3. This JKPSC jobs are Jr. Scale of administrative service, J &K police,  J& K accounts.
  4. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must obtain their application forms from the office of the J&K public service commission.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the posts: 
1. Jr. Scale of J& K administrative service - 60
2. J&K police service -20 
3. J&K accounts service -19
Total number of posts:  99.

Age: Candidates must have attained 21 years and not more than 35 years as on 01.01.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have passed bachelor degree in any discipline from recognized university.

Application Form: Candidates obtain their application form from the office of the J&K public service commission, Resham ghar colony, bakshi nagar Jammu and polo ground, Srinagar on payment  Rs 510/-  and 260/- respectively in respect of OM and reserved candidates.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the written examination.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they obtain their application form from above mentioned address and duly filled application complete in all respects duly attested phtograph and copies of testimonials/certificate should be submit above mentioned address on or before 25.11.2013. And envelop superscribed with Combined competitive (main ) examination 2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of JKPSC jobs  of J&K police service and Accounts service.

Last date for submission of application form: 25.11.2013.

JKPSC Recruitment 2013 for Assistant Engineer jobs through application Form

JKPSC released a recruitment notification for the assistant engineer jobs through application form

  1. Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission JKPSC released a recruitment notification for the assistant engineer jobs through application form. This jobs details are officially published in website
  2. This assistant engineers jobs in Mechanical assistant engineer and civil assistant engineer.
  3. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website for recruitment details. Total number of jobs are 112 jobs.
  4. Candidates who want to apply for this JKPSC recruitment they must apply through application form obtain from the J&K public service commission office. Last date for submission of application 15.11.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the posts: 
1. Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) - 33
2. Assistant Engineer (Civil) - 79
Total number of posts: 112.

Age: Candidates age should be min 18 and max. 37 years age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have passed bachelor degree in mechanical and civil engineering.

Application Form: Candidates obtain their application form from the office of the J & K public service commission polo ground, srinagar/resham ghar colony, bakshi nagar jammu on cash payment 500/- general category candidates and 250/- of respects of category candidates. 

Selection: Candidates selection is made by written screening test.

How to apply:  Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of JKPSC assistant engineer jobs they apply through application form obtain from above mentioned address and duly filled form reach on same address before 15.11.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of JKPSC assistant engineer jobs details.

Last date for submission of application: 15.11.2013.

JKPSC Recruitment 2013 for Medical Officer Jobs Application form

JKPSC released a recruitment notification for the medical officer jobs through  application Form 

  1. Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission JKPSC has released a recruitment notification for the medical officer jobs through application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this jobs they must follow official website JKPSC recruitment total 769 medical officer jobs.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they obtain their application form from the JKPSC officer address mention below, this duly filled application submitted before 19.09.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the posts: Medical Officer
Number of posts: 769

Age limit: Candidates age should be 18- 37 years as on 01.01.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses MBBS degree. more details see notification.

Application form: Candidates obtain their application form from the office counter of JKPSC polo ground srinager/ resham ghar colony bakshi nagar jammu on cash payment 500/- general category and 250/- category candidates and for both 10/- processing fee.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of JKPSC medical officer jobs they have to apply through application form obtain from the above mentioned address and duly filled form with all required copies of certificates to reach secretary, J&K public service commission, polo ground srinager, resham ghar colony, bakshi nagar, Jammu on or before 19.09.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of JKPSC medical officer jobs details.

Last date for submission of application form : 19.09.2013.

JKPSC Assistant Engineer Jobs recruitment 2013 Application Form

JKPSC released a recruitment notification for the assistant engineers jobs through application form

  1. Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission JKPSC has released a recruitment notification for the assistant engineer jobs through application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this jobs they must follow official website JKPSC recruitment total 44 Assistant engineers (Electric) jobs.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this jobs of JKPSC recruitment of assistant engineers they have to apply through application form obtain from below mentioned address and duly filled  application form should be submitted before 13.09.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details: 
Name of the posts: Assistant Engineer (Electric)
Number of Posts: 44

Age limit: Candidates age should be min. 18 and max. 37 years as on 01.01.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses bachelor degree or AIME section of India in the relevant branch of engineering.

Application form: Candidates obtain their application form from the officer of the J&K public service commission, polo ground, resham ghar colony, bakshi nager, Jammu on cash payment 500/- for general and 250/- category candidates from 9.30 am to 3.00 pm on all working days.

Selection process: Candidates selection is based on the screening test.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this JKPSC recruitment they must apply through for this assistant engineers jobs they obtain theit application form from the above mentioned address and duly filled application form and affix recent pass port size photograph duly attested by gazetted officer all other relevant certificates /testimonials should be reach on or before 13.09.2013 to the address above mentioned.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment JKPSC of assistant engineers jobs details.

last date for submission application form: 13.09.2013.

JKPSC recruitment 2013 for Assistant Engineers (Civil) Jobs Application form

JKPSC released a recruitment notification for the assistant engineers (civil) jobs through application form

  1. Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission JKPSC  has released a recruitment notification for  the  assistant engineers jobs. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. CAndidates who are interested for this recruitment of JKPSC assistant engineers jobs they must follow official website JKPSC recruitment total 41 numbers of assistant engineers jobs.
  3. Candidates must obtain their application form from the J & K public service commission and duly filled applications submitted before 29.07.2013..
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Assistant engineer (Civil)
Number of posts: 41

Age limit: Candidates must posses Min. 18 years and max.37 years as on 01.01.2013. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses bachelor degree in  relevant branch of Engineering (Civil engineering) or AMIE section (A&B) India.

Application form: Candidates obtain their application form from the office of the J & K public service commission polo ground , resham ghar colony, bakshi nager, Jammu on cash payment 500/- for general category candidates and for 250/- for category candidates(excluding processing charges 10/-).

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of JKPSC assistant engineers they have to apply through application form which is available at above mentioned address. Candidates fill this application  form in all respects a pass port size photo graph affix and duly attested by  gazetted officer, candidates must attached photocopies of all certificates/testimonials. This application form should be reach before 29.07.2013 to above mentioned address.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of JKPSC  assistant engineers jobs details.

Last dates submission of application form: 29.07.2013

JKPSC Recruitment 2013 for 1289 Assistant professor Jobs Application Form

JKPSC released a notification for the recruitment of Assistant professor jobs thorough  application form

JKPSC Recruitment 2013: Jammu & Kashmir public service commission has released a recruitment notification for the Assistant Professor Jobs through  application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested for this jobs of JKPSC they must follow official website for the details and  application form. JKPSC recruitment 1289 assistant professor  jobs through this notification. JKPSC invited application forms from the candidates who are interested for the assistant professor jobs. Closing date for receipt of application is 24.06.2013. Candidates obtain their application form from address given below. Required details for JKPSC Recruitment of assistant jobs like age, qualification,selection, how to apply are mentioned below.

JKPSC Recruitment 2013 for 1289 Assistant Professor jobs Application Form

vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Assistant professor
Number of post: 1289

Age limit: Candidates have minimum age 18 years and maximum 37 years as on 01.01.2013.

Educational qualifications: Candidates must posses Master's degree with 55%of marks and NET/SLET conducted by the UGC/CSIR>

Application form: Candidates must obtained their application form form the office of the J&K public service commission polo ground srinager/resham ghar colony,  bakshi nager, Jammu. General candidates pay the payment 500/- and 250/- for respect category pay the amount through the counters above mentioned address and obtain there applications forms.

Selection process: Candidates selection for the JKPSC recruitment of assistant professor jobs is base on the written screening test.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this JKPSC recruitment of Assistant jobs they apply through application form which is obtained from above mentioned address. And attested a pass port soze photo graph duly attested by gazetted officer and photocopies of certificates/testimonials shoud be attached with the photocopieof application form, candidates should submit applications to the address the secretary, J&K public service commission, Reshamghar colony, Bakshi Nager, Jammu/ pologround jammu. On or before 24.06.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of JKPSC of Assistant officer jobs.

Closing date for receipt of applications: 24.06.2013