Ministry of defense released a recruitment notification for the 52 various jobs through online application form
Ministry of defense recruitment: Ministry of defense has released a recruitment notification for the various jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested for this jobs of ministry of defense recruitment they must follow official website Ministry of defense recruitment total 52 numbers of jobs throuh online application form. This various jobs are LDC, store keeper, civilian motor driver, cook, fireman, mazdoor, mesenger, safaiwala. last date for submission of online application form with in 21 days from published of this advertisement. Required details for this recruitment like age, qualification, fee, selection, how to apply are mentioned below.
Ministry of Defense Recruitment 2013 for 52 various Jobs Inline Application Form
Vacancy Details:
Number of post: 52
Name of the post:
- Store keeper
- Civilian motor driver
- Cook
- Fireman
- Mazdoor
- Messenger
- Safaiwala
Age limit: Candidates must have age 18-27 years as on last date of receipt of application. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Educational qualifications: Candidates must passed matriculation or its equivalent and must have diploma in cooking. 10+2 passed and 35wpm for English & 30wpm for Hindi for the post of LDC.
Selection process: Candidates selection for the Ministry of defense recruitment of jobs is based on the written test and interview.
How to apply: Candidates who are eligible and interested for this recruitment of ministry of defense jobs they have to apply through online application form. Candidates download this online application form from the website and duly filled form with self addressed two envelops with Rs/- 25 postal stamps and affix recent pass port size photo graph along with all required documents should be reach CASD, pin- 900106, 56 APO with 21 days from date of publication of this advertisement.
Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of various jobs of ministry of defense and online application form.
Last date of submission of application with in 21 days from the publication of this advertisement.