Showing posts with label Non Teaching jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Non Teaching jobs. Show all posts

UCMS Recruitment 2013 for Non Teaching Jobs Online Application

UCMS released a recruitment notification for the non teaching jobs through online application through

  1. University College of Medical Sciences UCMS has released a recruitment notification for the non teaching jobs through online application. This jobs details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates must follow official website for the recruitment details and apply online application. UCMS recruitment total 33 numbers Non teaching  jobs.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through online application through website Last date for submission of application 28.09.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the posts; 
  1. Internal Audit Officer
  2. Assistant Registrar
  3. Information Scientist
  4. Senior technician for central work shop
  5. Senior assistant
  6. Senior Technical Assistant
  7. Professional assistant
  8. Projectionist
  9. Assistant
  10. Stenographer
  11. Auxiliary nurse Midwife
  12. Laboratory Assistant
  13. Junior Assistant
  14. Jr. library and  information assistant
  15. Care tacker
Total number of posts: 33

Age limit: Candidates age should be below 35 years.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses graduation, masters degree,, B.E/B.Tech/MCA.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of UCMS non teaching jobs they have to apply through online application through website Last date submission of online application 28.09.2013. Candidates need to send hard copy of application with all enclosures to the address by ordinary post Dy. registrar, university college of medical sciences, Dilshad garden , Delhi- 110095 on or before 10.10.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of UCMS non teaching jobs details and apply online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 28.09.2013.
Last date copy of application: 10.10.2013.

MPUAT recruitment 2013 for Non Teaching jobs Online Application Form

MPUAT released a recruitment notification for the non teaching  jobs through online application form

  1. Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology MPUAT has released a recruitment notification for the non teaching  jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website 
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website MPUAT recruitment total 90 numbers of non teaching jobs.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they have to apply through online application form download from the website Last date for submission of application 13.09.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post:
1. Assistant Statistician
2. Technical Assistant
3. Stenographer
4. Ag. supervisor
5. lab assistant
6. Lower Divisional Clerk
7. Driver
Total number of posts: 90

Educational Qualification: Candidates must posses masters degree  and B.SC, Diploma in computer science, senior secondary in agriculture, higher secondary and 8th class. Post vise details see notification.

Fee: Candidates have to pay 600/- And for SC/ST candidates would be 50% in the form of demand draft in favour of comptroller, MPUAT, udaipur.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the written examination (objective type), typing test, short hand test.

How to apply: candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of MPUAT non teaching jobs they have to apply through online application form download from website www/ Duly filled form should be submitted along with DD reach to the registrar, maharana pratap university Agriculture & technology Udiapur 313001 on or before 13.09.2013. Envelop containing application should be bear "Application for Non teaching " on the top.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of MPUAT non teaching jobs details and online application form.

Last date for submission of application: 13.09.2013.

Click here for recruitment details
Click here for online application form

Click here for more jobs
Click here for more recruitment

University of Kota Recruitment 2013 for Non Teaching Jobs through online Application Form

University of Kota released a recruitment notification for the non teaching jobs through online application form

  1. University of Kota has released a recruitment notification for the non teaching jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. University of Kota recruitment total 70 numbers of non teaching jobs through online application form. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of university of kota they have apply through online application form download from the website Last date for submission of receipt of application 21.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
Name of the post: 
1. Computer operator- 4
2. Computer - 02
3. Junior Clerk- 30
4. Driver - 03
5. Book Attendant- 02
6. IV grade Employees- 29
Total number of posts: 70

Age limit: Candidates age should be min. 18 years and max. 35 years as on last date for applications.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates diploma in computer for post no. 1 and degree in Economics/ mathematics for post no.2 and degree or its equivalent for post no. 3 and secondary or equivalent and light/heavy motor vehicle licence for post no.4 and  secondary for no. 5 post and 7th class for post no.6.

Fee: SC/ST/PH candidates have to pay 150/- and all other candidates have to pay 300/- in the form of demand draft registrar, university of kota, payable at kota.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of university of kota jobs  non teaching they have to apply through online application through website Candidates download online application form from the website duly filled form and affix recent pass port size photograph and DD send to the address Administrative building of the university, university of kota, MBS road, near kabir circle, kota -324005 before 21.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of university of kota non teaching jobs details and online application.

last date for receipt of application:21.08.2013. Central University of Kashmir recruitment 2013 for Non Teaching Jobs Online Application Form

Central University of Kashmir released a recruitment notification for the of non teaching jobs through online application form

  1. Central University of Kashmir has released a recruitment notification for the non teaching jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Central university of Kashmir recruitment total 34 numbers of non teaching jobs and invites online application form. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of central university of Kashmir non teaching jobs they must follow official website
  3. Candidates who want to apply this non teaching jobs of central university of Kashmir recruitment they have to apply through online application form. Candidates must download application form from the website and duly filled online application form sent before 29.07.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details: 
Name of the post: 
  1. Deputy Register
  2. Internal Audit officer
  3. Hindi Adhikari
  4. Hindi Anuvadak
  5. Assistant
  6. Jr. Engineer
  7. Semi Professional Assistant
  8. Upper division Clerk 
  9. Lower division clerk
  10. Driver
  11. Cook
  12. MTS, Library Attendant, Hostel attendant &  laboratory attendant
 Total number of posts: 34

Age limit: Candidates must have 50 years for post no.1 and for 3 no. post 40 and for no.4,6,7,8,9 & 10,11 post required 30 years no.12 required 25 years, post no. 5 required 32 years.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses masters degree with 55% of marks, graduation, degree or diploma in civil engineer, VIII class and matriculation according to post. See notification for the post vise educational qualifications.

Fee: SC/ST /PWD Candidates have to pay 150/- and 300/- others drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of central university of Kashmir payable at Srinager (J&K).

Selection process: Candidates selection is made by the academic merit basis,experience or screening test and interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of non teaching jobs of  central university of Kashmir  they have to apply through online application form. Candidates download their online application form from the website Candidates duly filled this form and affix recent pas port size photograph and along with all supporting documents copies and DD should be reach to the address central university of Kashmir, Sonwar, Near GB pant hospital, Srinagar 190004, J & K sent  by  post and reach before 29.07.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of non teaching jobs of  Central university of Kashmir and online application form

Last date for submission of receipt of application: 29.07.2013.

Delhi Ambedkar University Recruitment 2013 for Non teaching jobs online Application

Delhi Ambedkar University released a recruitment notification for non teaching jobs through online application

Delhi Ambedkar University recruitment 2013: Delhi Ambedkar university has released a notification for the recruitment of Non teaching jobs through invites online application. This recruitment details are officially published in Candidates who are interested for this jobs they must follow official website www/ Delhi ambedkar university recruit total 74 numbers of jobs through online application. candidates must visit for recruitment details and online application, last date for  online application 27.06.2013. Candidates who are eligible for this Delhi Ambedkar university recruitment of Non teaching jobs they must apply through online application.  Required detais of this recruitment like age, qualification, selection, how to apply are mentioned below.

Delhi Ambedkar University Recruitment 2013 for Non Teaching Jobs Online Application

Vacancy details:
Name of the post: Non Teaching posts
Number of posts: 74
1. Coordinator - 01
2. Director - 01
3. Consultant - 02
4. Assistant registrar - 15
5. Security Supervisor - 02
6. Junior executive - 48
7. Junior executive (Library) - 03
8. Caretaker - 02

Age limit:  Candidates age should be below 56 years as on last date of receipt of applications.

Educational qualifications: Candidates should posses B.E/ B.Tech in civil/ electrical engineering, masters degree in computer science/computer applications/information technology, B.E degree in civil/electrical engineering, Masters degree with 55% of marks, bachelor degree, graduate or its equivalent , and masters degree in any disciplines, 10+2 from recognized board/ university. more details about qualifications visit  official website.

Selection process:  Selection of candidates for the Delhi Ambedkar university is based on the conducted a test/ interview.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of  non teaching jobs of Delhi Ambedkar university they must apply through online application through website Last date for online application is 27.06.2013. Candidates go the official website click the link carrers@AUD. And go the appropriate link for the filling online application. After filling of application take a print out of online application along with attested copies of all relevant documents and testimonials should be reach on or before 27.06.2013 to the Registrar, Ambedkar university Delhi, Lothian Road, Kashmere Gate Delhi -110006.

Candidates must vist for the details of Delhi Ambedkar university recruitment of Non teaching jobs and online application

Important dates:
Last date for Submission of Online application hard copy : 27.06.2013

SGPGIMS Recruitment 2013 for 502 Non Teaching Jobs Online Application Form

SGPGIMS released a recruitment notification of Non Teaching Jobs invites online application

SGPGIMS recruitment 2013 details: Sanjay Gandhi postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences SGPGIMS has released a notification for the recruitment of Non teaching jobs through this notification through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested for this jobs of SGPGIMS recruitment of non teaching  jobs they must follow SGPGIMS recruit total 502 numbers of non teaching jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested and eligible for this SGPGIMS non teaching jobs recruitment they apply through online application from 28.05.2013 to 21.06.2013. Candidates must apply through online and offline mode. Required details of this recruitment like age, qualification, selection, fee, how to apply are given below.

SGPGIMS Recruitment 2013 for 502 Non Teaching Jobs Online Application From

vacancy Details:
Total number of posts: 502
  1. Chief Librarian - 01
  2. Scientist Gr-I (Animal house) - 01
  3. Medical physicist/scientist - 02
  4. Technical Officer - 03
  5. Sister Gr-II - 361
  6. Asstt. Accountant - 07
  7. Store Keeper cum purchase asstt. -09
  8. Stenographer - 10
  9. Medical social worker Gr- II- 05
  10. Asstt. Dietician -  05
  11. Physiotherapist Gr -I - 03
12. a. Technician Gr-I (Lab, OT Dialysis, Ophthalmic,Respiratory,ICU) - 33
      b. Technician Gr-II( Radio Diagnosis) -08
      c. Technician Gr-II (Radiotherapy) -06
      d. Technician Gr-II (Nuclear medicine) -02
13. Pharmacist Gr-III -05
14. Data entry operator (Group C) - 20
15. Junior Engineer (Civil) - 04
16. Junior Engineer (electrical) - 02
17. Junior Engineer Ac- 02
18. Junior Engineer (mechanical) - 01
19. Medical  record technician - 04
20. Lab attendant Gr- II - 08

Age limit: For general candidates 40 years and SC/ST/OBC for 45 years as on 01.01.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Required educational qualification is graduation, 10+2, diploma, M.Sc, B.Com ,Degree in related field. Post wise qualification is available in the website.

Application Fee: Genera and OBC candidates have to pay the fee 500/- and for SC/ST 300/- through bank draft in favour of " Director, SGPGIMS Lucknow" payable at Lucknow.

Selection process: Candidates selection is based on the written/screening test and interview.

How to apply:  Candidates who are eligible and interested for this SGPGIMS recruitment of non teaching jobs they apply through online/ offline mode.For offline apply candidates need to download format of  application form from the website from 28.05.2013 to 21.06.2013. For online application candidates visit official website and fill the form and submit. after submission of application print out application form three pages obtained and send to RSD (recruitment cell), Administrative building, sanjay Gandhi Post graduate institute of medical science Lucknow -226014.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of SGPGIMS  Non teaching jobs details and online application form.

Important Dates:
Starting date of online/offline application: 28.05.2013
Closing date of  receiving applications: 21.06.2013

GGSIPU Recruitment for Non Teaching Jobs Online Application Form

GGSIPU releases recruitment Notification for Non teaching Jobs invites online application form through

GGSIPU Recruitment Details:

GGSIPU Non Teaching Jobs 2013:Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha university GGSIPU has released a notification for the recruitment of non teaching Jobs through this notification.Notification details are officially published in website who interested in non teaching jobs they follow official website number of vacancies are 36. This 36 Non teaching jobs are recruit through this notification invited online application form.This recruitment are Direct recruitment/Deputation Basis. candidates need to visit official website for details and online application form i.e., candidates who are interested for the GGSIPU recruitment of  non teaching jobs they visit website for the details and online application form. Through the website candidates download the online application form.After the filing of online application form attach required documents and should be reach on or before closing date.Required details for recruitment of GGSIPU for non teaching jobs like  age,qualification,selection, fee,how to apply are mentioned below.

GGSIPU Recruitment for Non Teaching Jobs Onine Application Form

Vacancy Details:
Total Number of vacancies:36
Name of the post:
1. Assistant Registrar - 03
2. Section Office - 07
3. General Assistant - 02
4. Assistant - 01
5. Junior Assistant - 15
6. Senior Technical Assistant - 03
7.Lab Assistant Grade -I -03
8. Lab assistant grade -II-02

Educational Qualifications: Candidates who are interested for GGSIPU jobs they required qualification for the post assistant Registrar Ph.D with Master's degree with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade  B in the UGC seven points scale with three years experience in related field. OR good academic record plus master's degree with 55%of marks.For Section officer master's degree with 55% of marks and three years experience OR Bachelor degree with 55% marks and five experience in related field. For the post of General Assistant canidate have Bacheor degree with at least 55% os marks from recognized university at least 3 years experience in related field, Certificate/Diploma in computer applications at east six months duration from  reputed institution.For assistant jobs candidates required  Bachelor Degree at least 55% marks 2 years experience in related field  and Data entry Speed of 8000 of key Depression per hour in English on Computer. For junior Assistant requited secondary school certificate at least 55% marks/ Bachelor degree from recognized university and Data entry speed of 8000 of key depressions per hour in English on computer.For the job of senior technical assistant MCA/M.Sc. Bachelor of engineering with 55% of marks or BCA/B.Sc diploma in engineering with 55% marks from recognized university. For post laboratory Assistant -I BCA/B.Sc/ Senior secondary Tenth with ITI and laboratory -II 10+2 with science subject or secondary/bachelor degree in science/computer application from recognized university.

Age limit:Candidates who are interested for the GGSIPU recruitment of non teaching jobs they requited age limit between 30 to 45 years according to post.

Fee details: Applicant who are eligible and intrested for the non teaching jobs of GGSIPU recruitment the application fee is Rs/- 500 exempted for SC,ST,PWD candidates.Fee is drawn in favour of Registrar Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University payable at new Delhi.

Selection process: Selection of candidates for the GGSIPU recruitment of non teaching jobs is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who are  apply for the GGSIPU recruitment of Non teaching jobs they need visit official website for online application form.Candidates can download online application form from website the download of online application fill the form with all required details and attached Demand Draft and all  copies mark sheets/Certificates.The envelop containing application should be super scribe as ''Application for the post of.................. of post................category...................... .And send it to Incharge (Personnel), Room No.117, Administrative Block, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha  University, Sector16C, Dwarka New Delhi 110078.

Visit  the website for online application and details.

Last date of Receipt of Application 07.06.2013 at 5.00pm