Showing posts with label OPSC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OPSC. Show all posts OPSC recruitment 2013 apply online for civil service exam of Odisha group A and B jobs

OPSC released a recruitment notification for the group A and B jobs through online application

  1. Odisha Public Service Commission OPSC released a recruitment notification for the group A and B jobs through online application. this jobs details are officially published in website
  2. This OPSC jobs are Odisha administrative service and odisha police service (group A),  and odisha cooperative service , odisha revenue service, odisha taxation & account service (Group B posts).
  3. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow offiical website for details and apply online application. Total number of posts are 364.
  4. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they apply through online application last date for submission of online application 22.11.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Category - I
Name of the posts: 
1. Odisha Administrative Service Group A
2.  Odisha police service group A
Category - II
1. Odisha cooperative service group B
2. Odisha revenue service group B
3. Odisha taxation & account service group B 
Total number of posts 364.

Age:  Candidates age should be under 32 years and over 21 years as on 01.1.2011, Candidates should have born earlier than 02.01.1979 and not later than 01.01.1990. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualifications:  Candidates should posses bachelor degree from recognized university. See notification for details of qualifications.

Fee: Candidates have to apy 100/- in the form cash by treasure challan or bank draft.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the preliminary , main written examination and interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through  official website Last date for submission of online application 22.11.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of OPSC jobs and apply online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 22.11.2013. OPSC recruitment 2013 for Assistant public prospector Jobs Online Application

OPSC released a recruitment notification for assistant public prospector jobs through online application

  1. Odisha Public Service Commission OPSC has released a recruitment notification for assistant public prospector jobs through online application. This jobs details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for jobs they must follow official website for recruitment details and apply online application. Total number of posts are 237 jobs.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this jobs of OPSC they must apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application for recruitment 23.10.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment:

Vacancy Details:
Name of the posts: 
1. Assistant public prospector Group B - 207
2. Assistant public Prospector Group A - 26
3. Assistant Director of textiles- 04
Total number of posts: 237.

Age: Candidates age should be not above 35 years for post no. 1 and not be above 40 years for post no. 2 and must not under 21 years for post no. 3.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must passed bachelor degree in Law for post no. 1 and  2, candidates must have textile technology, spinning and weaving or diploma in textile technology for post no. 3 from recognized  university.

Fee: Candidates have to pay 300/- for post no. 1 & 2 and for post no. 3 required 200/- take printout of online challan deposit the fee in SBI. SC/ST candidates exempted from fee.

Selection: Selection of candidates is based on the written test and vivia voice test for post no. 1 & 2 and interview and written test for post no.3

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of OPSC they must apply through website Last date for submission of application 23.10.2013 for post no 1, 2 and 22.10.2013 for post no. 3.

Candidates must visit for the details of OPSC recruitment  and apply online application.

Last date for submission of application for post no. 1& 2 :  23.10.2013.
Last date for submission of application for post no. 3: 22.10.2013.

Odisha Public Service Commission OPSC recruitment 2013 for Assistant Fisheries officer jobs online Application

OPSC released a recruitment notification for the assistant fisheries officer jobs through online application 

  1. Odisha Public service Commission OPSC has released a recruitment notification for the assistant fisheries officer jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of OPSC assistant fisheries officer jobs they must follow official website OPSC recruitment total 143 numbers of assistant fisheries officer jobs through online application.
  3. Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of OPSC they have to apply for this assistant fisheries officer jobs online application through website Last date for submission of online application 27.08.2013.
Candidates see blow detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
Name of the post: Assistant fisheries officer (Group -B)
Number of post: 143

Age limit: Candidates age must attained 21 and must not be above the age 44 years as on 01.01.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have passed  bachelor degree in fisheries (B.F.Sc.) or its equivalent from recognized university.

Fee: Candidates have to pay 200/- through the challan and deposit the fee in any branch of SBI. Sc/ST/PH candidates are exempted from fee.

Selection : Candidates selection is based on the career marks and interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of OPSC assistant fisheries officer jobs they have to apply through online application through website last date for submission of online application 27.08.2013. Candidates take the print out of application these hard copy of application ans send along with required copies of certificates and fee payment challan to the  address special secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission, 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road,  Cuttak - 753001 reach before 11.09.2013 and envelop containing application superscribed with "Application for the post of  Assistant fisheries officer".

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of OPSC assistant fisheries officer jobs details and online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 27.08.2013
Last date for submission of receipt of application: 11.09.2013. OPSC Recruitment 2013 Junior Lecturer Jobs Apply Online Application

OPSC released a recruitment notification for the Junior lecturer jobs through online application

  1. ODISHA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OPSC has released a recruitment notification for the junior lecturer jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. OPSC recruitment total 272 numbers of Junior lecturer jobs through online application. Candidates who are interested for this OPSC lecturer jobs they must follow official website
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this OPSC recruitment of Junior lecturer jobs they have to apply through online application through website Opening date of submission of application 23.07.2013 to 27.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details: 
Name of the post: Junior Lecturer
Number of Posts: 272

Age limit: Candidates age should be under 32 years and over 21 years as on 01.01.2012.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates should posses Master's degree from recognized university with 55% of marks.

Fee: Candidates have to pay 300/-  through the online challan pay the fee any branch of state bank of India. Candidates belongs to SC/ST odisha only and PH candidates are exempted from fee.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the written examination and viva voice test.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this OPSC recruitment of junior lecturer jobs they have to apply through online application through website Submission of  application in between the 23.07.2013 to 27.08.2013. After successful submission of online application take the print out of application and send their hard copy of  application with fee deposit challan, all required certificate copies by registered/speed/ by courier envelop superscribed with "Application for the post of Junior lecturer in ........................(Concerned Subject)O.E.S.(Group-B) to the address Special Secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission, 19. Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttak -753001 before reach 11.09.2013.

Candidates must visit fpr the recruitment of OPSC junior lecturer jobs details and apply online application.

Submission of online application starts from : 23.07.2013
Last date submission of online application: 27.08.2013
Last date receipt of application: 11.09.2013

OPSC Lecturer Jobs Recruitment 2013 Online Application

OPSC released a recruitment notification for the lecturer jobs through online application form

  1. ODisha Public Service Commission OPSC has released a recruitment notification for the lecturer jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published website
  2. Candidates who want to apply this OPSC lecturer jobs they must apply through online application. OPSC recruitment total 281 lecturer jobs through online application.
  3. This OPSC recruitment details and online application available in the website  Last date submission of online application 31.07.2013.
Candidates see below for detailed information of recruitment

Vacancy Details:
Name of the posts: Lecturer
Number of post: 281

Age limit: Candidates must under 33 yrs and above 21 yrs as on 01.01.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses Master's degree from recognized university with 55% of marks.

Fee: Candidates have to pay 200/- any branch of SBI, SC/ST/ PH candidates are exempted from fee.

Selection process: Candidates selection for the OPSC lecturer jobs is based on the career Assessment, viva voice test, interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this OPSC recruitment of lecturer jobs they have to apply through online application through the website Candidates fill online application with all required details and upload scanned recent pass poet size photo graph, left thumb impression after successful submission take print out of  application. Candidates required to sent printout of  online application duly signed with fee receipt sent by registered/speed post/courier reach to the address Special Secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission, 19, Dr.P.K. Parij Road, Cuttuk 753001 on or before 14.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of OPSC lecturer jobs details and online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 31.07.2013
Last date fee deposit any branch of SBI  03.08.2013
Last date for receipt of hard copy/print out of online application  14.08.2013

OPSC Recruitment for Veterinary Assistant Surgeon 2013 jobs in ODISHA online application

  • OPSC Recruitment
  • Veterinary Assistance surgeon jobs
  • Online Application
OPSC Recruitment for veterinary Assistant surgeon jobs2013:Odisha public service commission has invited online application for  notification of the recruitment of veterinary assistant surgeon jobs. Details of notification published in official website Recruit the filing of  252 vacancies through this notification. in the same OPSC is invited OPSC veterinary Assistant Surgeon Online Application. Through this notification.Candidate who are interested for the recruitment of veterinary Assistant Surgeon  jobs they follow the official website and apply online.Starting date for apply online 24.04.2013 and closing 03.06.2013.

OPSC Recruitment for Veterinary Assistant Surgeon 2013 Jobs Online Application

Details of vacancy: Total number of vacancy  252 (84 -Women)
Name of the post: Veterinary Assistant Surgeon
Category wise vacancy details:
  • Unreserved   126 (42-Women)
  • SC                41 (14-Women)
  • ST                 57 (19-Women)
  • S.E.B.C         28 (09 -Women)
Educational Qualification: Eligible and Interested candidates must posses Bachelor Degree in Animal Husbandry or Veterinary Science or it's equivalent from recognized Institution/University.

Age Limit: Candidates must have age between 21 to 32 years as on 1st January 2013. For the recruitment of veterinary Assistant Jobs.Upper age limit relaxation 5 years for SC/ST/S.E.B.C,Women, Ex-Serviceman and 10 years for PHC candidates.

Selection Process: Applicant should be Selected for the jobs of OPSC Recruitment by Performance in written Examination and Viva Voice test.

How to Apply:Candidate must visit the official website for the recruitment veterinary Assistant surgeon jobs while applying the online application candidate must upload the latest scanned passport size photo graph with applicant signature and scanned image of Left thumb impression (LTI). After the submission of online application form unique registration ID Appear on the screen as well as on top of the application form. Candidate Required to take a print out  of computer generated hard copy of application form.and signed on the hard copy. Candidate send there application form with challan of fee payment and all required documents to address given below.
Special Secretary,
Odisha Public Service Commission,
19,Dr.P.K. Parija road,
Cuttack -753001.
                     The application should reach on or before 17.06.2013.

Examination Fee:Candidate who are interested for the jobs of OPSC Veterinary Assistant surgeon recruitment fee for unreserved candidates is 300 Rs/- and for SC/ST/PHC candidates 40% exempted from the total fee. 
                   Candidate take the print out of  the challan copy through online and pay the 300Rs/- fee at any branch of state bank of India (SBI).

Important dates of OPSC Veterinary Assistant Surgeon jobs 2013:
Starting date of online application :24.04.2013
Last date of online application 03.06.2013 bu 11.59 P.M.
Last date for Payment of application fee:06.06.2013
Last date for receipt of hard copy/print out  online application with all required documents:17.06.2013