Maharashtra public health department released a recruitment notification for the medical officer jobs through online application
- Maharashtra public health department released a recruitment notification for medical officer jobs through online application through website. This jobs details are officially published in website
- Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website for details and online application. Total number of posts are 1881 medical officer jobs.
- Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they apply online application through website Last date for submission of application 25.10.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.
Vacacncy Details:
Name of the posts: Medical Officer
Number of posts: 1881.
1. General Medicine - 110
2. Pediatrics- 289
3. general surgery- 105
4. Gynecology - 211
5. Anesthesia - 408
6. Orthopedics- 42
7. Ophthalmology- 28
8. Radiology - 04
9. Psychiatry- 14
10 Blood Trasfusion - 27
11. MBBS - 643
Total number of posts: 1881.
Age: Candidates age not more than 35 years as on 01.10.2013. Relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses MBBS for MBBS MO jobs and Diploma or degree in relevant filed for remaining posts. And have complete internship on or before 01.10.2013.
Fee: open category candidates have to pay 500/- and back ward category candidates pay 300/- and 25/- bank charges for both deposit the fee through system generated challan in SBI bank.
How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through online application through website Last date for submission of application 25.10.2013. Candidates sent application form along with required documents reach to the address The Maharashtra knowledge corporation ltd., Branch office HMCT pune, Maharashtra state institute of hotel management and catering technology building, 412- C , Shivaji nager - 411016 before 06.11.2013.
Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of Maharashtra public health department medical officer jobs and apply online application.
Last date for submission of online application: 25.10.2013.
Last date for receipt of application: 06.11.2013.