Goa university released a recruitment notification for the professors, faculty research fellows jobs through online application form www.unigoa.ac.in
- Goa university has released a recruitment notification for the professors, faculty research fellows jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website www.unigoa.ac.in.
- Goa university recruitment total 20 numbers f professors, faculty research fellows jobs and invites online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website www.unigoa.ac.in.
- Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of Goa university they have to apply through online application form. Candidates download this form from the website www.unigoa.ac.in and duly filled online application form sent before 06.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.
Vacancy Details:
Name of the post:
1. Center for study of Social Exclusion & inclusive Police
a. Professor - cum- director
b. Associate professor
c. Assistant professor
d. Research associate
2. Center for women studies
a. Professor/ associate professor
b. Assistant professor
c. Research associate
3. Academic Staff College
a. Director
b. Assistant professor
c. Associate professor
4. Chair in Diaspora Studies
a. Professor
b. Post doctoral research associate
c. Junior research fellows
Total number of post: 20
Educational qualifications: Candidates must have Ph.D degree in relevant field and masters degree with 55% marks and minimum teacher experience in college/university. Candidates see notification for detrailed and post visw qualification details.
Fee: SC/ST candidates have to pay 250/- and all other candidates have to pay 500/- and candidates from abroad they have to pay US$ 50 make the fee in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Registrar, Goa university payable at panaji, Goa.
How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of GOA university jobs of professors, faculty research fellows they have to apply through online application form download from the www.unigoa.ac.in. Candidates filled this application form with all details affix recent pass port size photograph and should sent to the address Registrar, Goa university , Taleigao plateau reach before 06.08.2013.
Candidates must visit www.unigoa.ac.in for the recruitment of Goa university professors, faculty research fellows jobs details and online application form.
Last date for submission of application: 06.08.2013