AIIMS Patna recruitment 2013 for SR & Jr resident, tutor jobs Apply online Application

AIIMS Patna released a recruitment notification for the Sr & Jr resident, tutor jobs through online application

  1. All India Institute of medical Sciences Patna AIIMS patna has released a recruitment notification for the Sr & Jr resident, tutor jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website AIIMS patna recruitment total 305 numbers of Sr & Jr resident, tutor jobs.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they have to apply through online application through website last date for submission of online application 21.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
1. Senior resident
2. junior resident
3. Tutor/Demonstrator
4. Support staff
Total number of posts: 305.

Age limit: Candidates age should be 40 years as on 21.08.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses masters degree and B.Sc, MBBS, MD, MA, M.Sc. Candidates see official notification for the post wise qualification details.

Fee:  General/OBC candidates have to pay for Sr & Jr resident, tutor/demonstrator jobs they have to pay 1000/- and for support staff jobs they have pay 500/-. Sc/ST /PH candidates there is no fee.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of AIIMS Patna jobs Sr & Jr resident, tutor they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 21.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the AIIMS Patna recruitment of  Sr & Jr resident, tutor jobs details and apply online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 21.08.2013.

BMTC recruitment 2013 online Application form for Technical Apprentices jobs

BMTC released a recruitment notification for the technical apprentices jobs through online application form

  1. Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation BMTC  has released a recruitment notification for the technical apprentices jobs through online application form. this recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website BMTC recruitment  total   378 numbers of technical apprentices jobs through online application form.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this BMTC jobs they download online application form from the website Last date for submission of application 12.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details: 
Name of the post: 
1. Diesel mechanic
2. Welder
3. Metal worker
4. Auto electrician
5. Turner
6.  Fitter
Total number of posts: 378

Age limit: Candidates min. age 16 years and max.age 26 years.

Educational Qualifications:  Candidates must have passed SSLC or its equivalent.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of BMTC  technical apprentices jobs they have to apply through online application form through website This duly filled form with all details should be reach to the address central office, 5th floor, shanthinager bus stop, Bangalore before 12.08.2013 by registered/speed post.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of BMTC  technical apprentices jobs details and apply online application form.

Last date for submission of receipt of application: 12.08.2013. ADA jobs 2013 Apply online application for project Engineer recruitment 2013

ADA released a recruitment notification for the project engineer jobs through online application

  1. Aeronautical Development Agency ADA  has released a recruitment notification for the project engineer jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this ADA jobs they have follow official website ADA recruitment total 41 numbers of project engineer jobs through online application.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they have apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 31.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
Name of the post: project Engineer
Number of posts: 41

Age limit: Candidates age should not exceed 65 years as on last of online registration.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses bachelor degree in mechanical/ electrical /electronics/ communication/ aeronautical/ production engineering. M.E/M.Tech in same discipline.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of ADA project engineer jobs they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 31.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of ADA project engineer jobs details and apply online application.

Opening date of submission of online application: 01.08.2013
Last date for submission of online application: 31.08.2013.

Laxmi Vilas bank CTO, CRO jobs Recruitment 2013 online application form

Laxmi vilas bank released a recruitment notification for the CTO, CRO  jobs through online application form

  1. Laxmi Vilas Bank has released a recruitment ntoification for the CTO, CRO jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Laxmi vilas bank recruitment CTO, CRO, GM, DGM jobs and invites online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of Laxmi vilas bank CTO, CRO jobs they have to apply through online application form download from the website Last date for submission of  receipt of application 15.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
  1. Chief Technology Officer
  2. Chief Risk Officer
  3. Head- human Resource Department
  4. Head- audit & Inspection Department
  5. head- Credit monitoring
  6. Regional head- Various Location PAN India
  7. Head Alternate Channels
  8. DGM Finance and Account
  9. Head- Communication and investor relation.
Age limit: Candidates must have 40-50 for 1 to 5 no. of posts and 40-45 for 6, 8 no. of posts and 35-40 for post no. 7 and 30-40 for no. 9 posts.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses graduation, post graduation, MBA, CA. Post wise details see notification.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of laxmi vilas bank CTO, CRO jobs through online application form. Candidates must download application form from the website And duly filled online application form sent before 15.08.2013 superscribing the cover : Application for the post applied for...................." by courier ti the address "The Assistant General manager, HRD department, The laxmi vilas bank Limited, REGD.& ADMN Office, salem Road, Kathaparai, Karur- 639006.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of  laxmi Vilas bank recruitment of CTO, CRO jobs details and online application form.

Last date for submission of receipt of application: 15.08.2013.

NRHM MP recruitment 2013 for District programme manager Jobs Apply Online Application

NRHM MP released a recruitment notification for the district programme manager jobs through online application

  1. National Rural health Mission Madhya pradesh NRHM MP has released a recruitment notification for the district programme manager jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested and eligible for this recruitment of NRHM MP jobs they must follow official website NRHM MP recruitment total 50 numbers of district programme manager jobs.
  3. Candidates who want to apply  for this recruitment of district programme manager jobs they have to apply through online application. Last date for submission of online application 12.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: District programme manager
Number of posts: 50

Age limit: Candidates age should be between 21-40 years as on 01.01.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have AICTE recognized PG Diploma in public health and health management, PGDHM, PGDRM, PHDHEP, MBA, MSW (Any one of the above.)

Selection process; Candidates selection is based on the written test.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of NRHM MP district programme manager jobs they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of application 12.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the NRHM MP recruitment of  district programme manager jobs details and apply online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 12.08.2013

High Court of Karnataka Recruitment 2013 for software technician jobs Apply online Application

High court of Karnataka released a recruitment notification for the software technician jobs through online application
  1. High Court of Karnataka has released a recruitment notification for the software technician jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website High court of Karnataka recruitment total 32 numbers of software technician jobs .
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they have to apply through online application through website. Last date for submission of online application 12.08.2013
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details: 
Name of the post: Software technician Group -A Cadre 
Number of posts: 32

Age limit: Candidates must have age 21 -35 years .Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed bachelor of engineering/ technology of electronic/computer science/instrumentation technology or MCA or M.Sc in computer science from recognized university.

Fee: SC/ST, CAT-I candidates are exempted from fee. Candidates have to apy 500/- in to any of the Karnataka Govt. Treasury challan generated online and endorsed challan to be scanned and upload.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the written test and viva voice test.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of High court of Karnataka software technician jobs they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 12.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of high court of Karnataka  software technician jobs details and apply online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 12.08.2013
Last date for challan upload: 14.08.2013.

District Collector Office Hingoli Recruitment 2013 Typist, talati, Driver jobs Apply online Application

District collector office hingoli released a recruitment notification for the typist, talati, driver jobs through online application

  1. District Collector Office hingoli has released a recruitment notification for the typist, talati, driver jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website District collector office Hingoli recruitment total 40 numbers of  typist, talati, driver and peon jobs through online application.
  3. Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of district collector office hingoli recruitment they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 16.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post:
1. Clerk- Typist: 13
2. Talati : 17
3. Driver- 01
4. peon : 09
Total number of posts: 40

Age limit: Candidates must have age between 18-33 as on 16.08.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses SSC and C.C.C for post no 2 and  MS-CIT, typing speed for Marathi 30 wpm and in English 40 wpm for post no.1 and 4th class passed for post no. 3 & 4 valid driving licence for driver job.

Fee: Unreserved candidates have to pay 150/- for first 2 post and reserved candidates have to pay for this posts 75/- and for  remaining two posts UR candidates have to pay 200/- and reserved candidates have to pay 100/- .Candidates download challan from website and pay the fee in any branch of state bank of India.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the written test and interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of district collector office hingoli  they have to apply through online application through websitre last date for submission of online application 16.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of district collector office hingoli details of typist, talati, driver jobs and apply online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 16.08.2013 CG Forest Dept. Recruitment 2013 for Stenographer, DEO jobs Online Application Form

CG forest dept. released a recruitment notification for the stenographer, DEO jobs through online application form

  1. Chhattisgarh CG forest dept. has released a recruitment notification for the stenographer, DEO jobs through online application form. this recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are eligible for this recruitment of CG forest dept. they must follow official website details and online application form. CG forest department recruitment total 390 numbers of Stenographer, DEO jobs.
  3. Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of CG forest dept. stenographer, DEO jobs they have to apply through online application form. Last date for submission of  receipt of application 31.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Total number of posts: 390.
Name of the post: 
1. Stenographer Grade-III
2. Assistant programmer
3. Data entry operator
4. Assistant grade- III

Age limit: Candidates must have age not below than 18 years and not above than 35 years as on 01.08.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses 10+2 and higher secondary and degree form recognized university , diploma in data entry operator/programming. Candidates see notification for details of educational qualifications.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of CG forest dept. jobs of stenographer, DEO  they have to apply through online application form. Candidates download these online application form from the website These duly filled form  should be reach before 31.08.2013 along with self addressed envelop with 5/- postal stamp by ordinary/speed post.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of CG forest dept. stenographer, DEO jobs and online application form.

Last date for submission of receipt of application:  31.08.2013.

UPSC recruitment 2013 for Professor jobs Apply online application

UPSC released a recruitment notification for the professor jobs through online application through website 

  1. Union Public Service Commission UPSC released a recruitment notication for thr professor jobs through online application. This recruitment notification details are officialy published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of UPSC they must follow official website www, UPSC recruitment total 81 numbers of professor jobs.
  3. Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of UPSC they have to apply through online application through website last date for submission of online application 16.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: 
  1. Assistant director
  2. professor of sugar technology
  3. Assistant professor of Sugar Engineering
  4. Assistant director (S&R)
  5. Jr. technical officer (Sugar Technology)
  6. Additional legal adviser
  7. Assistant government advocate
  8. Assistant legal adviser 
  9. Superintending Officer (ore Dressing)
  10. Editor (bharatiya Rail)
  11. Deputy Architect
  12. Professor, information technology (Technical)
  13. Professor Civil Engineering (technical)
Total number of posts: 81

Age limit: Candidates must posses between  35-50 years. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules. Brief details of age see notification.

Educational Qualifications:  Candidates must posses bachelor degree, masters degree or diploma in relevant field. Post wise qualifications see official notification.

Fee: Candidates have to pay 25/- as cash through in any branch of SBI or using net banking or visa/debit/credit card.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the written test and interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of UPSC professor jobs they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 16.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of UPSC professor jobs details and apply online application.

last date for submission of online application: 16.08.2013 BRKGB recruitment 2013 Officer, office assistant jobs apply online application

BRKGB released a recruitment notification for the officer, office assistant jobs through online application

  1. Baroda Rajasthan Kshetriya Gramin bank BRKGB has released a recruitment notification for the officer, office assistant jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website for details and online application. BRKGB recruitment total 500 numbers of officer, office assistant jobs.(officer- 150 and office assistant 350).
  3. Candidates who want to apply this BRKGB recruitment they have to apply through online application through website  Submission online application from 30.07.2013 to 14.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post:
1. Officer Jr. Management Scale- I - 150
2. Office Assistant (multipurpose) - 350
Total number of posts: 500

Age limit: Candidates must have age above 18 and below 28 years for post no. 1 and for post no. 2 between 18 and 28 years as on 01.06.2012.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses any degree from recognized university for post no. 1 and for post no. 2 and proficiency in local language i.e., Hindi and must have passed matriculation Hindi as on of the subject.

Fee: Sc/St/ PWD candidates have to pay 20/- and  all other candidates have to pay 100/-  through challan any of the  Bank of Baroda or BRKGB bank. These fee payment challan download from the website.

Selection : Candidates selection is based on the performance in RRBs common written examination conducted by IBPS in 2012 and interview.

How to apply; Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of BRKGB officer, office assistant jobs they have to apply through online application through website Submission of online application starts from 30.07.2013 to 14.08.2013. 

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of  BRKGB officer, office assistant jobs details and apply online application.

Submission of online application starts from 30.07.2013.
Last date for submission of application: 14.08.2013.

Department of Land Records MH state recruitment 2013 clerk, peon jobs Apply online application

Department of land records MH state released a recruitment notification for the clerk, peon jobs through online application

  1. Department of land records MH State has released a recruitment notification for the clerk, peon jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of department of land records MH state (Maharashtra) they must follow official website for details and online application.. Department of land records MH state recruitment this clerk, peon jobs region vise. 
  3. This regions are Amaravathi, Aurangabad, Kokan mumbai region, nagpur, Nasik, Pune.
  4. Candidates who want to apply this clerk, peon jobs they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 21.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
Region vise: 
1. Amaravathi region: 
Total number of posts: 174
Name of the post: 
1. Suryeyor visior/clerk cum typist
2. peon

2. Aurangabad Region: 
Total number of posts: 151
name of the post:
1. surveyor/clerk cum typist
2. Peon

3. Konkan Mumbai region
Total number of posts: 129
Name of the posts: 
1. surveyor/clerk cum typist
2. peon

4. Nasik region:
Total number of posts: 99
Name of the posts:
1. Surveyor/clerk cum typist
2. peon

5. Nagpur region:
Total number of posts:123
Name of the posts:
1. surveyor/clerk cum typist
2. Peon

6. Pune region:
Total number of posts: 137
Name of the posts:
1. surveyor/clerk cum typist
2. peon

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses  architecture or civil engineering for post no. 1 and for post no. 2 min. 4th class passed . 

Fee: Unreserved candidates pay the fee 600/- and reserved candidates have to pay 300/- paid the fee through SBI challan.

Selection process: Candidates selection is based on the written test.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this department of land records MH state clerk, peon jobs they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 21.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of department of land records MH state jobs of clerk, peon details and apply online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 21.08.2013.
Last date for fee payment: 22.08.2013 Netarhat Vidyalaya Samithi Recruitment 2013 for clerk, insructor jobs online application form

Netarhat vidyalaya samithi released a recruitment notification for the instructor, clerk jobs through online application form

  1. Netarhat vidyalaya  samithi  has released a recruitment notification for the instructor, clerk jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of instruction, clerk jobs they must follow official website Netarhat vidayaaya samithi recruitment total 17 numbers of jobs of instructor, clerk.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of netarhat vidyalaya samithi they have to apply through online application form. last date for submission of online application form 19.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details: 
Name of the post: 
  1. Instructor(1. Metal work, 2. P.T.I. & 3. Agriculture) 
  2. Correspondence clerk
  3. Accounts clerk
  4. Laboratory Assistant
  5. Nurse A grade/Matron
  6. Steno typist cum computer operator
  7. Laboratory store keeper
  8. Store keeper
  9. Driver
Total number of posts: 17

Age limit: General candidates must posses 35 years and for SC/ST candidates must have 40 years as on 01.01.2013.

Educational Qualifications:  Degree or diploma for the post no . 1 and for post no. 4 B.Sc honors (botany/Zoology), graduation for post no.2 and for post no. 3 required B.Com and marticulation nad general nursing for post no. 5 and graduation with computer typing speed 30 & 40 wpm in Hindi and English for post no. 6, I.Sc/plus 2 science for post no. 7 and I.A/I.Sc for post no. 8 and for last post required matriculation and valid  driving licence for light and heavy vehicles.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of Netarhat vidayala bamithi instructor, clerk job they have to apply through online application form. Candidates must download these online application form from the website and duly filled form along with all required certificates copies and should be reach office of the principal, netarhat residency school, netarhat P.O. Dist. latehar, Via - Gumla, jharkhand- 835218 by registered/speed post/by courier before reach 19.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of instructor, clerk jobs details and online application form.

Last dare for submission of receipt of application: 19.08.2013.

JNTBGRI recruitment 2013 for JRF and Technical/Lab assistant jobs walk in interview

JNTBGRI released a recruitment notification for the JRF and technical/Lab assistant jobs through walk in interview

  1. Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical botanic Garden and research institute JNTBGRI has released a recruitment notification for the JRF and technical/lab assistant jobs in various projects. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of JNTBGRI jobs of JRF and technical/lab assistant they must follow official website Candidates who are eligible for this recruitment they must attend walk in interview.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this JNTBGRI jobs they must attend walk in interview. 
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
Name of the organization : JNTBGRI
Name of the post: JRF and technical/lab assistant jobs in various projects

Age limit: Candidates must have age 28 years as on 01.08.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses M.Sc in relevant field and MCA. Candidates see notification for the detailed information of educational qualifications.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who are appear for this recruitment of JNTBGRI jobs of JRF and technical/lab assistant they have attend walk in interview. Candidates must bring their certificates and one set of documents should be submitted during verification.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of JNTBGRI JRF and technical/lab assistant jobs details & walk in interview details.

Interview Dates:  19th and 20th August.
Venue: JNTBGRI palode, Thiruvananthpuram.

SAC Ahmedabad Recruitment 2013 for JRF and RA jobs through online application

SAC ahmedabad released a recruitment notification for the JRF and RA jobs through online application form

  1. Space Application Center SAC Ahmedabad  has released a recruitment notification for the JRF and RA jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. SAC Ahmedabad recruitment JRF and RA jobs through online application form. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website
  3. Candidates who want to apply this SAC recruitment of JRF and RA jobs they apply through online application print out of online application should be reach before 02.09.2013.
Candidates see below  detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details: 
Name of organization: Space Application Center SAC
Name of the post: Junior Research Fellow JRF and 
                            Research Associate RA

Age limit: Candidates must have age 18-28 years for post JRF and 18- 35 years for Ra jobs as on 23.08.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses M.Sc/M.Tech in relevant discilpne from recognized university with 65% marks and  also  Ph.D.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the test/interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of SAC Ahmedabad of JRF and RA jobs they have to apply through online application through website Submission of online application will starts from 05.08.2013 to 23.08.2013. Candidates need to take the print out application after successful submission  applicants get registration number preserve it for future reference and hard copy of application  send along with affix a recent pass port size photograph and attested copies of testimonials and envelop superscribed with  advertisement number, post number, registration number reach before 02.09.2013 to the address Administrative officer (R&R), Recruitment section (P&GA), Building number 30- D, Space Application Center (ISRO), Ambawadi Vistar PO, Ahmedabad- 380015.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of SAC Ahmedabad JRF and RA jobs details and apply online application.

Opening date for submission of application: 05.08.2013
Last date for submission of application: 23.08.2013
Last date for receipt of application: 02.09.2013


IIM Common Admission TEST CAT 2013 notification Apply online Application

IIM released a notification for CAT 2013 Common Admission Test through online application

  1. Indian Institute of management IIM released a CAT 2013 notification for the various management programmes. This notification of CAT details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are eligible for this IIM common admission test CAT 2013 they must follow official website for the details and online application. Submission of online application starts from 05.08.2013 to 26.09.2013.
  3. Candidates visit for the CAT notification details.
Candidates see below for the detailed information of recruitment.

Name of the organization: Indian Institute of Management.
Notification name: CAT 2013 Common admission test.

Eligibility: Candidates must hold bachelor degree with at least 50% of marks or equivalent.

Fee: General and NC-OBC candidates have to pay 1600/- and SC/ST/PWD/DA candidates have to apy 800/-. These fee will be maid details are available on website  from 3.08.2013.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this IIM CAT 2013 they have to apply through online application through website Submission of online application will starts from 05.08.2013 to 26.09.2013.

Candidates must visit for the IIM common Admission test CAT 2013 notification details and apply online application.

Opening date for submission of online application: 05.08.2013.
Last for registration of application: 26.09.2013.

RRC Allahabad Group D jobs recruitment 2013 online application form

RRC Allahabad has released a recruitment notification for the group d jobs through online application form

  1. RRC Allahabad has released a recruitment notification for the group d jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website RRC Allahabad recruitment total 2715 group D jobs through online application form.
  3. Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of RRC Allahabad they have to apply through online application form.  Last date for submission of application form 02.09.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details: 
Name of the post: Group D
Number of posts: 2715

Age limit: Candidates age should be between 18- 33 years as on 01.01.2014.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses matriculation or ITI or equivalent from recognized university/ institution/board.

Fee: Candidates pay the fee 100/- in the form of crossed demand draft in any nationalized bank or IPO from any post office in favour of chairman, Railway recruitment cell, north central railway allahabad, payabale at allahabad. SC/ST and all women candidates are exempted from fee.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the written examination and PET.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of RRC Allahabad group d jobs they have to apply through online application form . Candidates download these online application form from the website Candidates fill this application form with all details and should be sent with all required copies of certificates and DD sealed in an envelop cover superscribed with "application for the post of Group D posts by ordinary post only to the address railway recruitment cell, north central railway, balmiki Chauraha, Nawab yousuf road, Allahabad before 02.09.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of group D jobs of RRC Allahabad jobs details and online application form.

Last date for submission of application: 02.09.2013

Click here for recruitment details

Click here for more jobs
Click here for more recruitment 

IIM Lucknow recruitment 2013 for Professor jobs Apply online Application

IIM Lucknow released a recruitment notification for the professor jobs through online application

  1. Indian Institute of management IIM Lucknow  has released a recruitment notification for the professor jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are eligible for this recruitment they must follow official website IIM Lucknow recruitment professor jobs invites online application form.
  3. Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of IIM Lucknow they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 28.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
Name of the posts:
1. Professor
2. Associate professor
3. Assistant professor
name of the organization: Indian Institute of management Lucknow.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses Ph. D in appropriate branch with first class or equivalent.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of IIM Lucknow professor jobs they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 28.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of IIM Lucknow professor jobs details and apply online application.

Last date for  apply online application: 28.08.2013

junior Assistant Grade - II Jobs recruitment 2013 in SCCL apply online application

SCCL released a recruitment notification for the junior assistant grade - II jobs apply online application

  1. Singareni Collieries Company limited  SCCL has released a recruitment notification for the junior assistant grade - II jobs throough online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of SCCL jobs if junior assistant grade - II they must follow official website SCCL recruitment total 117 numbers of junior assistant grade- II jobs. 
  3. Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of junior assistant grade - II jobs they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 09.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details: 
Name of the posts: Junior assistant grade- II
Number of posts: 117

Age limit: Candidates age should be 30 years as on 01.03.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses bachelor degree from recognized university and diploma or 6 months certificate or degree course in computer/information technology.

Selection : Candidates selection is based on the written test.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of SCCL junior assistant grade - II jobs they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission online application 9.08.2013. Candidates take the print out of application send it with all copies of certificates by post/courier to the address The general manager (personnel), The singareni Collieries Company ltd, Recruitment Cell, Kothagudem -507101, Khammam  on or before 19.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of SCCL  junior assistant grade - II jobs details and apply online application.

last date for submission of apply online: 09.08.2013.
Last date for submission of printout of online application: 19.08.2013.

CPCL recruitment 2013 for Refinery operator Jobs Apply Online Application

CPCL released a recruitment notification for the refinery operator jobs through online application

  1. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited CPCL has released a recruitment notification for the refinery operator jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. CPCL recruitment total 23 numbers of refinery operator (Chemical) jobs through online application. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of CPCL they must apply through online application through website Online Application registration starts from 29.07.2013 to 16.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Refinery Operator (Chemical)
Number of posts: 23

Age limit:  Candidates age 30 years as on 31.08.2013. Age relaxation is applicable.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses diploma in chemical/petroleum/petro- chemical engineering/Technology or first class degree in B.Sc with chemistry as major subject.

Fee: Candidates who are not belongs to SC/ST category they have to pay 200/- in the form of crossed demand draft in favour of Chennai petroleum corporation limited payable at Chennai.

Selection : Selection of candidates is based on the written test.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this CPCL recruitment of refinery operator jobs they have to apply through online application through website Registration of online application starts from 29.07.2013 to 16.08.2013. Candidates submit their application form with all details and take the printout and affix recent pass port size photograph and demand draft send it in an envelop  suoerscribed with "Application for the post of workman" by ordinary post to the address The advertiser (CPCL), Post box no. 9248, Krishna nager head post office, New Delhi -110051 on or before 20.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of CPCL refinery operator jobs details and apply online application.

Submission of online application : 29.07.2013
Last date submission of application: 16.08.2013
Submission of hard copy of application: 20.08.2013
Admit card downloading from 30.08.2013
Written test (in Chennai) - 15.09.2013.

Odisha Public Service Commission OPSC recruitment 2013 for Assistant Fisheries officer jobs online Application

OPSC released a recruitment notification for the assistant fisheries officer jobs through online application 

  1. Odisha Public service Commission OPSC has released a recruitment notification for the assistant fisheries officer jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of OPSC assistant fisheries officer jobs they must follow official website OPSC recruitment total 143 numbers of assistant fisheries officer jobs through online application.
  3. Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of OPSC they have to apply for this assistant fisheries officer jobs online application through website Last date for submission of online application 27.08.2013.
Candidates see blow detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
Name of the post: Assistant fisheries officer (Group -B)
Number of post: 143

Age limit: Candidates age must attained 21 and must not be above the age 44 years as on 01.01.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have passed  bachelor degree in fisheries (B.F.Sc.) or its equivalent from recognized university.

Fee: Candidates have to pay 200/- through the challan and deposit the fee in any branch of SBI. Sc/ST/PH candidates are exempted from fee.

Selection : Candidates selection is based on the career marks and interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of OPSC assistant fisheries officer jobs they have to apply through online application through website last date for submission of online application 27.08.2013. Candidates take the print out of application these hard copy of application ans send along with required copies of certificates and fee payment challan to the  address special secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission, 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road,  Cuttak - 753001 reach before 11.09.2013 and envelop containing application superscribed with "Application for the post of  Assistant fisheries officer".

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of OPSC assistant fisheries officer jobs details and online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 27.08.2013
Last date for submission of receipt of application: 11.09.2013. PPSC recruitment 2013 for Asst. District Attorney Jobs Online Application

PPSC released a recruitment notification for the Asst. district attorney jobs through online application

  1. Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC has released a recruitment notification for the Asst. district attorney jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. PPSC recruitment total 80 numbers of asst. district attorney jobs through online application. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website
  3. Candidates who want to apply this PPSC asst.district attorney jobs they have to apply through online application. Last date for submission of online application 16.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Asst. district attorney
Number of posts: 80

Age limit: Candidates age should not below 18 and not above 28 years as on 01.01.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses degree of bachelor of Law from recognized university to institution.

Application fee: SC/ST and back ward classes of Punjab candidates have to pay 625/- and, physically handicapped candidates have to pay 1250/- and all other candidates have to pay 2500/- through the challan download from the website.

Selection process: Candidates selection is based on the written examination and interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of PPSC asst. district attorney jobs they have to apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 16.08.2013. After successful submission of application take the print out and send these hard copy of online application with self attested copies of certificates fee challan before 26.08.2013 office of secretary, Punjab Public Service Commission. 

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of  PPSC  asst. district attorney jobs details and apply online application.

Last date for submission of application: 16.08.2013.