Showing posts with label Group B and C. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Group B and C. Show all posts

IIT kanpur Recruitment for Group B and C jobs Apply Online

IIT Kanpur releases Notification for the recruitment of Group B & C jobs Apply Online

IIT Recruitment Details: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur IIT kanpur releases a notification for the recruitment of Group B & C jobs.This recruitment details are officially published in the website Institute of Technology Kanpur Recruit 55 positions under  Group B & C category.Candidates who are interested in the IIT kanpur recruitment they follow official website candidates apply through online and offline mode.For the offline mode candidates download online application and fill the form. For Apply online mode candidates visit This 55 Group B & C jobs recruitment under the regular/deputation/contract basis.Details of this IIT kanpur recruitment Group B & C jobs published in the website Candidates who apply through online mode they visit and last date for apply online 28.05.2013.And candidates who apply through offline mode the last date of receipt of application is 03.06.2013.IIT kanpur invited online applications from the candidates who are interested and eligible.Required details for this recruitment like age,qualification,fee, how to apply are mentioned below.

IIT Kanpur Recruitment for Group B & C jobs Apply Online

Vacancy Details:
Number of Posts:55
Name of the Post:
Group B Posts:
1. Sec.Unit(Assistant security officer) - 02
2. Library (Senor Library Information Assistant) - 03
3. BSBE (Junior Technical Superintendent) - 02
4. CE (JST) 02
5. CHM (JST) - 01
6. Chme (JST) - 01
7. EE (JST) - 01
8. ME (JST) - 02
9. MT Station - 01
10.OA (JST) -01
11.Tele.Unit.(JST) - 01
Group C Post:
12. AE (Junior Technician) 01
13. CE (JT) 04
14. CELT (JT) 01
15. CHM (JT) 03
16. Chme (JT) 04
17. CSE (JT) 02
18. DP(JT) 01
19. EE (JT) 05
20. IME (JT) 02
21. PHY (JT) 02
22. Library (Junior Assistant) 03
23. Institute (Junior Assistant) 09
(NOTE: JTS = Junior Technical Superintendent, JT = Junior Technician)

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses B.E, B.Tech,Graduation,library science,B.Sc,M.Sc and BCA, Bachelor degree, knowledge of computer and diploma in engineering according to post. More information about qualification details visit IIT Kanpur recruitment advertisement.

Age limit:  Candidates who are interested for the IIT Kanpur recruitment of Group B & C jobs they required age for the Group B jobs between 20-40 years and for Group C jobs 18-35 years as on 03.06.2013.

Application Fee: Candidates who are appering for the recruitment of IIT kanpur Group b & C have to pay the fee 250/-in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of The Registrar,IIT Kanpur ,Payable at Kanpur.SC/ST/ physically handicapped candidates are not required to submit demand draft.

Selection process: Candidates selection for the IIT Kanpur recruitment of Group B & C jobs is based on the trade /written test/interview.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested and eligible for the recruitment of IIT Kanpur jobs of Group B & C  apply through online and offline. candidates who are apply through online visit website the last date of apply online is 28.05.2013. But Cadidates who are not able to apply through online they can apply offline mode. candidates  obtain the application format official website and fil the application in proper manner and either in person or by sending a self addressed envelop of 28x12 cm size and postage stamp worth Rs/- 10 and this complected application should be reach on or before 03.06.2013. And envelop should be super scribe with "Application for the post of .........................".
The Registrar(Attn.),
Recruitment Section,
Room No.224,
2nd Floor(Faculty Building),
IIT Kanpur- 208016,(UP),India.

last date of apply online : 28.05.2013
last date of Submission of receipt of   applications  03.06.2013.

Visit official website for recruitment advertisement