Showing posts with label Jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jobs. Show all posts

JPSC Recruitment 2013 for Medical Officer Jobs through online Application

JPSC released a recruitment notification for the medical officer jobs through online application form

  1. Jharkhand Public Service Commission JPSC has released a recruitment notification for the medical officer jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are offically published in website
  2. Candidates who want to apply this JPSC recruitment of medical officer jobs they have to apply through online application form. JPSC recruitment total 71 numbers of medical officer jobs and invites online application form.
  3. Candidates need to apply through  online application  from the website and this hard copy of application form reach before 06.08.2013. Last date submission of online application 26.07.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Medical Officer
Number of post: 71

Age limit: Candidates must posses 22 years ans upper age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses MBBS degree from recognized by the  medical council of India must have completed internship.

Fee: Candidates who belongs to backward classes -I & II they have to pay 500/- and 50/- bank charges and 17.50 /- online application and for SC/ST have to pay 250/-and same for bank charges and online application(250+50+17.50) total 317.50, pay the fee through the challan this is download from the website.

Selection process: Candidates selection for the JPSC recruitment is based on the writeen examination and interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this JPSC recruitment of Medical officer jobs they have to apply through online application through the website Candidates fill this  application with all required details and take a print out of online application should be sent to the address controller of examination, jaharkhand public service commission, circular road, Ranchi- 834001 on or before 06.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of JPSC medical officer jobs details and online application.

Last date for submission online application: 26.7.2013
Last date receipt of application: 06.08.2013. Indira Gandhi E.S.I Hospital Recruitment for Senior residents walk In Interview

Indira Gandhi E.S.I Hospital released a recruitment notification for the senior residents and specialists through walk in interview

  1. Indira Gandhi E.S.I hospital released a recruitment notification for the senior residents and specialists jobs through walk in interview. Candidates must follow official website for the details of recruitment.
  2. Candidates who are interested for this jobs of senior residents ans specialists officers they have to appear walk in interview. Indira Gandhi E.S.I hospital recruitment total 24numbers of jobs.
  3. Candidates download bio data format from the website and duly filled form appear for the walk in interview.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment 

Vacancy Details:
Name of the posts: 
1. Specialists
a. Anesthesia
b. Radiology
2. Senior residents
a. Anesthesia
b. Surgery
c. Paediatrics 
d. Orthopedics
e. Medicine
f. Gynae
g. Skin
h. Chest
i. Radiology

Age limit: Candidates no exceeding 45 years as on date of interview for post no.1 and post no.2 not exceeding 33 yrs for post graduates, 35 yrs for doctoral degree holders.

Educational Qualifications: PG Degree or Diploma in Concerned Specialty from recognized university for the post of 1 and post graduation may be  considered for selection.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this Indira Gandhi E.S.I Hospital recruitment of senior residents they have to appear for walk in interview. Candidates download  Bio- Data format from the website and duly affix recent pass port size photo graph along with original, one set photocopies of testimonials report to the office of medical superintendent, IG ESI Hospital Delhi on the date of walk in interview.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of Indira Gandhi E.S.I hospitals details of  walk in interview for senior residents.

Date of Interview for Specialists: 08.07.2013
Date of Interview for Senior Residents: 08.07.2013 & 09.7.2013

CRPF Recruitment for 2013 of Assistant Commandant 159 Jobs Online application Form

CRPF released a notification for the recruitment of Assistant Commandant Jobs through online application form

CRPF Recruitment 2013 Details: Central Resrve Police Force CRPF has released a notification for the recruitment of Assistant Command jobs through this notification through online application from. This jobs details are officially published in Candidates who are interested for this Assistant commandant jobs CRPF they apply through online application form. Candidates must follow the official website of CRPF This application invited from serving male and female sub inspectors/GD and inspectors GD for the post assistant commandant GD. Candidates need to download online application from from the website duly filled form send before 27.06.2013.CRPF recruitment total 159 jobs in different force like BSF, CRPF, ITBP and SSB. Required detais for this recruitment of Assistant commandant jobs like age, qualification, selection, how to apply mentioned below.

CRPF Recruitment for 2013 of Assistant Commandant 159 Jobs Online Application Form

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Assistant Commandant
Total Number of posts: 159
Name of the force:
1. BSF
4. SSB

Age limit: upper age limit for appearing in the LDCE will be 35 years as on 01.08.2012relaxable by five years for SC/ST candidates only.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates should be passed graduation from recognized university.

Selection process: Selection of candidates for the CRPF Assistant Commandant jobs is based on the written test, Interview, physical standard test , physical efficiency test and medical examination.

How to apply:  Candidates who are interested for this CRPF recruitment of Assistant commandant jobs they apply through online application form. This duly filled application from with relevant documents and two self addressed envelop should be reach on or before 27.06.2013.

Candidates must visit for recruitment of Assistant commandant jobs details and online application from.

Last date of receipt of application: 27.06.2013.

CIPET Admission Notification 2013 for Diploma, Post Diploma and PG Diploma Programmes online Application Form

CIPET issued a Admission Notification for the Job Oriented Diploma Post Diploma and PG Diploma Programmes Invited online application form

CIPET Admission Notification Details: Central Institute of Plastic Engineering & Technology CIPET has issued a admission Notification for the Diploma, post diploma and PG diploma programmes. This admission notification details are published in official website Candidates who are eligible for this diploma, post diploma and PG diploma programmes visit official website Candidates can apply through online application form this is available in the Applicants download the online application form form the website and submit on or before 17.06.2013. CIPET invites online application forms from the candidates for the admissions in the diploma, post diploma and PG diploma programmes. Candidates visit official website for the notification details and online application form will be conducted joint Entrance Exam Test. Required details for Diploma, Post diploma and PG diploma programmes like age, qualification, fee,how to apply are mentioned below.

CIPET Admission Notification 2013 for Diploma Post Diploma and PG Diploma Programmes Online Application Form

CIPET Admission Details:

Name of the Programmes:
1.Post Diploma in Plastic Mould Design (PD-PMD with CAD/CAM)
2.Diploma in Plastic Mould Technology (DPMT)
3.Diploma in Plastic Technology (DPT)
4.Post Graduate Diploma in Plastic  processing  & Technology (PGD-PPT)

Age limit: Candidates must have age between 20 to 25 years and age relaxation for SC/ST candidates 5 years.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates who are Applying for this CIPET Diploma, Post diploma and PG diploma programme they have educational qualifications are 10th pass and any degree with chemistry as one of the subject and Diploma in mechanical, plastic technology or production engineer, Automobile Engineering, Tool & Die making, DPMT, DPT or equivalent diploma.

Application Fee: General category candidates have to pay the fee 100/- and for SC/ST candidates Rs/- 25 in the form of crossed demand draft drawn in favour of CIPET, Hyderabad payable at Hyderabad.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this CIPET admission notification for the diploma, post diploma and PG diploma programmes they through online application form. this online application form avaialible in the website candidates need to download online application form from filled with a required details by sending crossed demand draft to the address given below.
Central Institute of Plastic Engineering & Technology(CIPET)
IDA Phasell, HC post, Cherlapally,Hyderabad-500051.

Candidates who are eligible for the CIPET Admissions of Diploma, Post diploma and PG diploma Programme visit official website for the details of notification and Online application form .

Important Dates:
Last Date for submission 17.06.2013
Joint Entrance Examination 14.07.2013.

ITBP Recruitment 2013 for Constable Tradesmen Jobs of 556 Online Application Form

ITBP release a notification of  Constable Tradesmen Jobs Recruitment for 2013 Invites online Application Form

ITBP Recruitment 2013: Indian Tibetan Border Police Force ITBP released a notification for the recruitment of 556 Constable Tradesmen jobs through this notification. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of ITBP jobs they must follw oficial website ITBP Invites online application forms from the candidates through this notification. ITBP recruit total 556 number of post through this notification. Candidates who are interested in this Constable Tradesmen jobs of ITBP they visit for the online application form. Candidates need download online application from the website and fill the application form should reach on or before closing date.Required details for this recruitment and online application form available in the official website Details of ITBP recruitment of Constable Tradesmen Jobs like age,qualification,fee,selection,how to apply are mentioned below.

ITBP Recruitment 2013 for Constable Tradesmen Jobs of 556 Online application form

Vacancy Details:
Total number of Vacancies: 556
Name of the Post:
  • Tailor
  • Gardner
  • Cobbler
  • Water Carrier
  • Safai Karmachari
  • Cook
  • Washer man
  • Barber
Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have Matriculation and Two years Diploma in ITI.

Age Limit: Candidates have age between 18 to 28 years as on 31.05.2013.

Application Fee: Candidates belonging to General And OBC Category Pay the fee 50/- as application fee by means of  Central Recruitment Fee Stamp (CRFS) only.CRFS stamp is available at  the counters of all post offices of the country.Recruitment fee stamp pasted on the Application form. For the SC/ST and Ex- serviceman candidates exempted from the paying fee.

Selection Process: Candidates selection is based on the Hight Bar,Race,PST,Trade test,Written Test,Merit list and Cheaking Documents,Medical Examination.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this ITBP jobs of Constable Tradesmen recruitment they apply through online application form. This online application form available in the website And fill the online application form with all respects and affix pass port size photo graph on application and should be sent along with application fee and required  enclosures to the Post BoxNo. 650, Industrial area,Chandigarh (UT) -160002 On or before 31.05.2013. Envelop Containg Application superscribed in bold Letters APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CONSTABLE/(...................) IN ITBP.

Last date of Receipt of Application 31.05.2013

Candidates Must  visit official website of ITBP  for the recruitment of Constable Tradesmen jobs details and online application CRPF Recruitment 2013 of Constable GD Jobs Application Form

CRPF release a notification of  constable GD jobs Recruitment Application From

CRPF Recruitment Details: Central Reserve police Force released a notification for the recruitment of  constable GD jobs through the application form this notification. This recruitment notification details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested in this CRPF  Costable GD jobs they follow official website CRPF recruit the total number of jobs 4000 constable GD (General Duty) posts. The CRPF registration date 27.05.2013 and recruitment rally will be conducted from 28.05.2013 to 01.06.2013.And candidates will have appear for rally with there application form. This Rally and Notification details of this recruitment for  CRPF constable GD jobs and application form are officially available in Required detais this recruitment like qualification, age,how to apply, selection are mentioned below. CRPF Recruitment 2013 Of Constable GD Jobs Application Form

Vacancy Detais:
Name of the post:
Constable GD (general Duty)
Number of posts: 4000

Education qualification: Candidates must have Matriculation /its equivalent from recognized by the central/ State Government.

Age limit: Age between 18 to 23 years as on 01.01.2013.

Selection Procedure: Candidates selection is based on the  Hight bar test, Physical Standard Test, Written Examination, Race, physical efficiency test.

How to Apply: Candidates who are Applying for thr CRPF recruitment of Constable GD jobs They apply through prescribed application form given in the website fill this form and report to recruitment center with this application form and attached two recent pass port size photo graph copies of matriculation certificates and other education qualification proofs  and date of birth.Candidates can download application form from the website for the constable GD jobs

Important Dates of Constable GD jobs:
Date and time of registration: 27.05.2013 by 7.00am
Date of Recruitment Rally: 28th May to 01st  June.

Central Vigilance Commission Recruitment 2013 ATE Jobs Online Application Form

Central Vigilance Commission Released A notification of ATE Jobs recruitment Online Application Form

Central Vigilance Commission 2013:Central vigilance commission published a notification for the recruitment of ATE jobs through this notification.Candidates who are interested in this jobs they follow official website Candidates who are apply for this through the online application form and this online application form available in the website  Last date of receipt of application for this recruitment is 15.07.2013. Candidates who are eligible and interested for the Central Vigilance Commission ATE jobs they must follow official website  This Central Vigilance Commission ATE jobs recruitment details and online application form available in the website who are Appear for the Central Vigilance Commission  ATE jobs they send their prescribed online application form which is avalible in the official website before closing date .Required details of this ATE  jobs are mentioned below.

Central Vigilance Commission Recruitment 2013 ATE jobs Online Application Form

Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post:
1. Assistant Technical Examiner(SPIC)
2. Technical Examiner (Electrical)
Name of the organization:
Central Vigilance Commission

Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must be assistant engineering in engineering and executive engineering  department  of government of India or Officers in state government office. For above two posts.

How to Apply: Candidates who are interested and eligible for the ATE jobs of Central Vigilance Commission recruitment they visit official website and download online application form  fil this onine application form with all required details and send before closing date. That is 15 July 2013. To Address given below.Online application forms can download through website
Central vigilance Commission
satarkta Bhawan
A- Block,GPO complex, INA,
New Delhi - 110023.

Last Date of Receipt of Online Application Form 15.07.2013

Details of the Central Vigilance Commission ATE jobs recruitment visit

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan ODISHA Recruitment 2013 of BRCC and CRCC jobs online Application Form

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan ODISHA Released a notification for the recruitment of BRCC and CRCC jobs Online Application Form

Sarva Shiksha Abiyan Recruitment 2013: Sarva shiksha Abhiyan Odisha released a notification for the recruitment of BRCC(Block Resource Center Coordinator) and CRCC(Custer  Resource center coordinator) jobs. This notification details official published in  total number of vacancies are 62.Candidates who are interested in the sarva shiksha abhiyan Odisha recruitment they follow official website.This recruitment details available in the website.Candidates who are interested in this BRCC and CRCC jobs they download online application form fill the application in proper manner and send it to before closing date.Required details and online application form available in the official website for sarva shiksha abhiyan ODISHA recruitment. Candidates must follow the official website for the online application form and detail. In the same way Sarva shiksha abhiyan invited online application form to thr recruit 62 job vacancies of BRCC and CRCC.Required details of this recruitment of BRCC and CRCC jobs like age,qualification,how to apply are mentioned below.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan ODISHA Recruitment 2013 of BRCC and CRCC jobs Online Application Form

Vacacy Details:
Total number of Posts: 62
Name of Post:
1.BRCC (Block Resource Center Coordinator)
a.Bari - 01
b.Rasalpur -01
2.CRCC (Cluster Resource Center Coordinator)
a.  Barchana -03
b.  Bari - 06
c.  binjharpur - 07
d.  Danagadi  -06
e.  Dasrathapur - 03
f.   Darmshala - 08
g.  Jajpur - 13
h.  Korai  - 05
i .  Sukinda - 09

Eligibility : Elementary cadre  teacher belonging to Leve III for BRCC and Elementary cadre teacher belonging to level V/IV/ Zilla Parishad cadre teacher for CRCC. 

Selection Process: Selection will be made on the visioning test and Counselling.

How to apply:Candidates who are interested for the recruitment of sarva shiksha abhiyan ODISHA recruitment of BRCC and CRCC jobs they first visit official website for the online application form and download the online application form.And candidates fill the detailed information in prescribed application -cum- Bio data given in the official website.Candidate need to download this form from the website.Along with prescribed form attached educational and professional qualifications also two resent pass port size photographs and send to following address.
District Project Coordinator,RTE-SS,Jajpur through the concern DI of school.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of sarva shiksha abhiyan ODISHA BRCC and CRCC jobs

Last Date of submission of Application : 22.05.2013

SSB Telecom Recruitment 2013 of ASI HC and Constable Jobs application form

SSB Sashastra Seema Bal released a notification for recruitment of ASI HC Constable jobs

SSB Recruitment details: Sashstra Seema Bal SSB released a notification for the Telecom recruitment of ASI HC and Constable jobs through this notification.Applications are invited from the male candidates.This recruitment details are published in website SSB recruit the total number of jobs are 766 in yjis 766 vacancies for the ASI 43, Head Constable (HC) 632 and for Constable 91.Candidates who are interested for the recruitment follow the official website Candidates who are interes in the SSB jobs of ASI HC and constable jobs they apply through online application form. this onine application form avalible in the details and  application form download through the website.And fill  application form with all details send before closing date.Required details of SSB recruitment like age,qualification, fee how to apply are mentioned below.

SSB Recruitment 2013 of ASI HC and Constable Jobs online application form 

Vacancy Details:
Total number of vacancies: 766
Name of the post:
1. ASI(Assistant Sub Inspector)
2. Head Constable

Age limit: Candidates must have age between 18 to 25 years for 1,2 post and 18 to 23 for constable job.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have qualifications metric or diploma in electronics ,communications , Matriculation or 2 years ITI certificates in electronics/eqqivalent science from recognized board or institution/equivalent.

Application fee:Application fee is 50Rs/- in form bank draft in favor of account officer,SSB FTR,HQ,Lucknow payble at SBI Luknow.No fee will be charged for SC/ST?Ex-serviceman candidate.

Selection process: Selection of candidates for recruitment of SSB jobs  is based on the Documentation,Physical efficiency test,  Physical standard test,Medical examination, written examination.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested and eligible for the recruitment of SSB ASI HC and constable jobs they have to neaty typed on A4 size paper and  with admit card  fill with all details with pass port size photo graph and application fee copies of testimonials and 2 self addressed envelop 4x9 size with 25/- postage stamp affix on the envelop and envelop containing application must be superscribes with Application for the ----------------------.   sent on or before closing date to  the Inspector General,Frontier HQ,SSB Luknow, sankalp Bhawan ,Vibhut Khand Tc/35- V-2,Gomati Nager,Luknow(UP)- 226010.

Last date of submission of application 20.06.2013
For more details about SSB ASI, HC and Constable Jobs click below link.And also application form

IIT kanpur Recruitment for Group B and C jobs Apply Online

IIT Kanpur releases Notification for the recruitment of Group B & C jobs Apply Online

IIT Recruitment Details: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur IIT kanpur releases a notification for the recruitment of Group B & C jobs.This recruitment details are officially published in the website Institute of Technology Kanpur Recruit 55 positions under  Group B & C category.Candidates who are interested in the IIT kanpur recruitment they follow official website candidates apply through online and offline mode.For the offline mode candidates download online application and fill the form. For Apply online mode candidates visit This 55 Group B & C jobs recruitment under the regular/deputation/contract basis.Details of this IIT kanpur recruitment Group B & C jobs published in the website Candidates who apply through online mode they visit and last date for apply online 28.05.2013.And candidates who apply through offline mode the last date of receipt of application is 03.06.2013.IIT kanpur invited online applications from the candidates who are interested and eligible.Required details for this recruitment like age,qualification,fee, how to apply are mentioned below.

IIT Kanpur Recruitment for Group B & C jobs Apply Online

Vacancy Details:
Number of Posts:55
Name of the Post:
Group B Posts:
1. Sec.Unit(Assistant security officer) - 02
2. Library (Senor Library Information Assistant) - 03
3. BSBE (Junior Technical Superintendent) - 02
4. CE (JST) 02
5. CHM (JST) - 01
6. Chme (JST) - 01
7. EE (JST) - 01
8. ME (JST) - 02
9. MT Station - 01
10.OA (JST) -01
11.Tele.Unit.(JST) - 01
Group C Post:
12. AE (Junior Technician) 01
13. CE (JT) 04
14. CELT (JT) 01
15. CHM (JT) 03
16. Chme (JT) 04
17. CSE (JT) 02
18. DP(JT) 01
19. EE (JT) 05
20. IME (JT) 02
21. PHY (JT) 02
22. Library (Junior Assistant) 03
23. Institute (Junior Assistant) 09
(NOTE: JTS = Junior Technical Superintendent, JT = Junior Technician)

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses B.E, B.Tech,Graduation,library science,B.Sc,M.Sc and BCA, Bachelor degree, knowledge of computer and diploma in engineering according to post. More information about qualification details visit IIT Kanpur recruitment advertisement.

Age limit:  Candidates who are interested for the IIT Kanpur recruitment of Group B & C jobs they required age for the Group B jobs between 20-40 years and for Group C jobs 18-35 years as on 03.06.2013.

Application Fee: Candidates who are appering for the recruitment of IIT kanpur Group b & C have to pay the fee 250/-in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of The Registrar,IIT Kanpur ,Payable at Kanpur.SC/ST/ physically handicapped candidates are not required to submit demand draft.

Selection process: Candidates selection for the IIT Kanpur recruitment of Group B & C jobs is based on the trade /written test/interview.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested and eligible for the recruitment of IIT Kanpur jobs of Group B & C  apply through online and offline. candidates who are apply through online visit website the last date of apply online is 28.05.2013. But Cadidates who are not able to apply through online they can apply offline mode. candidates  obtain the application format official website and fil the application in proper manner and either in person or by sending a self addressed envelop of 28x12 cm size and postage stamp worth Rs/- 10 and this complected application should be reach on or before 03.06.2013. And envelop should be super scribe with "Application for the post of .........................".
The Registrar(Attn.),
Recruitment Section,
Room No.224,
2nd Floor(Faculty Building),
IIT Kanpur- 208016,(UP),India.

last date of apply online : 28.05.2013
last date of Submission of receipt of   applications  03.06.2013.

Visit official website for recruitment advertisement

Assam University Recruitment of Silchar Teaching and Non Teaching Jobs 2013 Online Application Form

Assam University Silchar Released Recruitment Notification For Teaching and Non Teaching Jobs Through Online Application Form

Details of Assam University Silchar recruitment:

Assam University Recruitment 2013: Assam university Silchar released a notification for the recruitment of Teaching and Non teaching jobs through this notification.This notification Details are officially published in website Assam university Silchar recruit the teaching and non teaching jobs through this notification invited online application form. This job detais are available in the website Candidate who interested in this Assam university silchar recruitment they follow official website Candidates who apply for the teaching and non teaching jobs they download online application form from the website.And filled online application form sent on or before closing date with attached all required documents.This Teaching and Non teaching jobs recruit through the Assam university Silchar notification.For the notification details follow the official website details of this recruitment like qualification,how to apply, fee are given below.

Assam university Recruitment of Silchar Teaching and Non Teaching Jobs 2013 Online Application Form

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post:
Teaching and Non Teaching Jobs
Total Number of Post: 8

Educations Qualification:Candidates who are appear for the recruitment of teaching and non teaching jobs they required qualification Ph.D/1st class at bachelor or masters degree level and matriculation for the 
according to the post.

Fee Details: Rs/- 400 for teaching  and 300Rs/- for non teaching incuding OBC  50Rs/- for form9For SC/ST/PWD Candidates shall not have to pay the fee),but 50/- Sc/ST/PWD will be charged for postal expenses only.This fee paid in the form of bank draft only.

How to Apply: Candidates need to visit official websiteof Assam university silchar for the download of online application form of teaching and non teaching jobs of  recruitment.And fill the online application with all required details and attest a pass port size photo graph and application form should be submitted in sealed cover  super scribes with "Application for the Post ___________"along with DD and required certificate copies and send to The office of the vice chancellor,Assam university, Raja Rammohanray Administrative Building, Silchar 788011 before 17.06.2013. 

Assam university Silchar official website

Important Dates:
last date for issuing application form 23.05.2013
Last date of submission of application form 17.06.2013.

ANGRAU Recruitment 2013 Dean and Director jobs online Application Form

ANGRAU recruitment Notification for Dean and Director jobs online Application Form @

ANGRAU recruitment Details2013:Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricuture University ANGRAU released a notification for the recruitment of Dean and Director jobs.Details of this recruitment published in website The same way ANGRAU recruit the Dean and Director jobs invited online application form through this notification.Notification details and online application form available in the website should have to visit official website for the details of recruitment of Dean and director jobs and online application form.And also candidates need to download online application form and duly filed this application form and should be reach on or be fore closing date. Brief Details of this notification provided in the website details of this notification like age,qualification,fee selection,how to apply are mentioned below.

ANGRAU Recruitment 2013 Dean and Director Jobs Online Application Form

Recruitment Details:
Name of the Post:
1. Dean of Agriculture
2. Dean of Post graduation studies
3. Dean of student Affairs
4. Dean of Home science
5. Director of  Agricultural Experiment Station
6. Director of Extension

Educational Qualification: Applicants Should have education for the ANGRAU recruitment Bachelor/Masteres/P.Hd in Agriculture Science/Home Science from recognized university and with experience.

Age limit: Candidate who are eligible for the Dean and Director jobs they need 58 years as on date of receipt of application.

Selection process: Candidates selection is based on the interview for the recruitment of ANGRAU Dean and Director Jobs.

Fee details: Rs/- 500 for SC/ST candidates and Rs/-1000for all others in the form of crossed demand draft drawn in favour of any nationalized bank in favour of Comptroller ANGRAU payabe at Hyderabad. 

How to Apply: Candidates who are eligible and interested for the recruitment of ANGRAU of Dean and Director jobs they apply through online application form the website the online application form candidates need to visit website and download the online application form.After the download online application form fill the form with all details and affix a latest pass port size photograph and required documents and receipt of DD.This completed application form in all respect(Sets) and should reach before 05.06.2013 to Registrar,ANGRAU, Rajendranager,Hyderabad.

Candidates visit for the website Download online application form.
Last date of receipt of application 05.06.2013