Showing posts with label SSB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SSB. Show all posts

SSB recruitment 2013 for paramedical cadre jobs online application form

SSB released a recruitment notification for the paramedical cadre jobs through online application form

SSB recruitment details: Sashastra Seema bal SSB has released recruitment notification for the paramedical cadre jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who awant to apply for this SSB recruitment of paramedical cadre jobs they must follow official website SSB recruitment total 109 jobs through online application form. Candidates must download the online application form from the website duly filled form should be sent before 31.07.2013. Required details of this recruitment of SSB paramedical cadre jobs like age, quantification, fee, selection, how to apply are mentioned below.

SSB recruitment 2013 for Paramedical Cadre Jobs Online Application Form

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Para medical cadre
1. SI (staff Nurse) (Female)
2. ASI Pharmacist
3. ASI (Radiographer)
4. ASI operation theater technician
5. ASI dental Technician
6. HC Stweard
7. CT Lab Asstt.
8. CT Ayah
Total number of posts: 109

Age limit: For SI post candidates required age 21-30 and for ASI posts 20-30 years, for HC, constable jobs required age  18-25 years as on 31.07.2013. Upper age limit relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must passed matriculation, 10+2 and diploma in relevant field according to post. 

Application fee: General And OBC candidates must have to pay the fee 50/- in the form of bank draft drawn in favour of  DIG, HQ.SSB, Purnea, payble at SBI branch Purnea bihar.

Selection process: Candidates selection for the SSB recruitment of paramedical cadre jobs is based on the documentation, PET,PST, written examination, trade test, final & review medical examination.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this paramedical cadre jobs of SSB recruitment they have to apply through online application form. This online application download form the the website Candidates duly filled this form and attached recent pass port size photo graph, receipt of payment two self addressed envelops with 25/- postage stamp affixed on each and envelop containing application superscribed with "Application for the post ........................" should be reach to the address The deputy inspector General, Sector HQ. SSB, Purena, Post Box.25, purena, Bihar- 854301 on befroe 31.07.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of paramedical cadre jobs of SSB and online application form.

Last date of submission of receipt of  application : 31.07.2013
Last date for far areas: 07.08.2013.

Click here for recruitment details and online application form

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Click here for more recruitment

SSB Recruitment 2013 for Constable Tradesmen Jobs Online Application Form

SSB released a recruitment notification for the constable tradesmen jobs through online application form

SSB constable tradesmen recruitment: Sashstra Seema Bal SSB has released a recruitment notification for the constable tradesmen jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested for this SSB recruitment they must follow official website. SSB recruitment total 810 constable tradesmen  jobs through online application form. Last date of submission of application form 31-7-2013. Candidates need to download online application form from the website Female & male candidates can apply for constable tradesmen jobs.  Required details for this SSB recruitment of constable  like age, qualification, fee, selection, how to apply are mentioned below.

SSB Recruitment 2013 for Constable Tradesmen Jobs Online Application Form

Vacancy Details:
Number of posts: 810
Name of the post: Constable Tradesmen

Age limit: Candidates must have  age 18-23 years the crucial date of determine age will be 31.07.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses matriculation and one year certificate course in from recognized industrial training institute or vocational institute.

Fee: General & OBC candidates must have to pay 50/-, no fee for SC/ST/ Ex- Serviceman and female candidates.

Selection process: Candidates selection for SSB recruitment of  constable tradesmen jobs is based on the documentation, PET, PST, Written examination, Trade test, Final & review medical test.

How to apply: Candidates who are eligible and interested for this SSB recruitment of Constable tradesmen jobs they have to apply through online application form. This application form download from the website Candidates filled this online application form with all required details and affix a latest pass port size photo graph and attach all required certificates/testimonials copies and should be sent by post reach on or before 31-7-2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of SSB constable tradesmen jobs and online application form.

Last date of receipt of application: 31.07.2013
Last date of receiving of application for far areas: 07.08.2013

SSB Recruitment 2013 of SI, HC Jobs Online Application form

SSB released a recruitment notification for the jobs of SI, HC through online application form

SSB SI, HC  recruitment details: Sashstra Seema Bal SSB has released recruitment notification for the SI, HC jobs through  online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested for this jobs they must follow SSB recruitment 215 jobs of SI, HC through this notification. Candidates download online application form from the website of Candidates  visit official website of SSB for the recruitment details and online application form. This application form send before 20-7-2013. Required details of SSB recruitment of SI, HC jobs like age, qualification, selection, fee, how to apply are mentioned below.

SSB Recruitment 2013 for SI, HC Jobs Online Application Form

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: 
1. SI (Pioneer) - 29
2. HC (Workshop) - 186
Total number of posts: 215

Age limit: Candidates must have age for post of SI up to 30 years and for the post HC must have age 18-25 years. Cut off date determining age will be 20.07.2013. age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational qualifications: Candidates must have degree or diploma in civil engineering for the post No.1 and post No.2 passed matriculation, diploma in automobile or motor mechanical engineering and valid heavy vehicle driving licence.  

Application fee: General OBC candidates have to pay the 50/- no fee for candidates SC/ST/ female candidates. Fee pay in the form demand draft drawn in favour of  account officer, FTR HQ, SSB patna Payable at patna.

Selection process: Candidates selection for the SSB recruitment of SI, HC jobs is based on the documentation, PST, PET, written examination, medical test, technical test.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of SSB of SI, HC jobs they have to apply through online application form. This application form download from the website Candidates fill this form and affix a recent pass port size photo graph, all required documents along with online application and send to the address The inspector general, Frontier HQ SSb, Patna rukanpura house, rukanpura beli road, patna- 800014, on or before 20-07-2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of SSB SI, HC jobs details and online application form.

Last date for submission of application: 20.07.2013
Last date for submission of application for far areas : 27.07.2013

SSB Recruitment 2013 for Constable driver jobs Online application form

SSB released a recruitment notification for the constable driver jobs through online application form

SSB Recruitment 2013: Sashastra Seema Bal SSB has released a recruitment notification for the constable driver jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published website Candidates who are interested for this jobs of constable driver recruitment of SSB they must follow official website. SSB recruitment total 645 jobs through this notification. Candidates download online application form through the website last date for submission of application 01.08.2013. Candidates must visit official website for the recruitment details constable driver jobs  and online application form. Required details of this recruitment of SSB like age, qualification, fee,selection, how to apply are mentioned below.

SSB Recruitment 2013 for Constable driver Jobs Online Application Form

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Constable Driver
Number of posts: 645

Age limit: Candidates age should be 23-28 years and cut off date determining age will be 01.08.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must passed matriculation or its equivalent and must posses valid heavy vehicle driving license.

Fee: General and OBC candidates have to pay 50/-, no fee for SC/St and Ex- Serviceman candidates. This fee pay in the form bank draft drawn in favour of Account officer, FTR HQ, SSB, Siliguri (West Bengal), payble at SBI siliguri.

Selection process: Selection of candidates for the recruitment of SSB of constable driver  jobs is based on the documentation, PST, PET,  Written examination, Driving/ Trade test, final & review medical examination.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this SSB recruitment of constable driver jobs they have to apply through online application form. This application can download form the website After the download of this online application form fill this form with all required details and affiux a pass port size photo graph along with application fee, all required documents copies and should be reach The inspector General, FTR HQ, siliguri, Ranidanga village, matirga Dist., Dargeeling, west bengal on or before 31.7.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment  details SSB constable driver jobs and online application form.

Last date for submission of application: 31.7.2013
Last date for submission of application for far areas : 08.08.2013.

SSB Recruitment 2013 for HC,SI jobs Online application form

SSB released a notification for  Recruitment for HC, SI jobs through online application form

SSB Recruitment 2013: sasharta Seema Bal SSB has released a notification for the recruitment of HC,SI jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested for this SSB jobs HC,SI recruitment they must apply through online application form. SSB recruit total 109 jobs through this notification.Candidates need to download application form from the website and duly filled form and sent before 31.07.2013. Candidates who are interested for this SSB jobs they must follow official website for the details and online application form. Required details of this recruitment of SSB HC,SI jobs like age,qualification, fee, how to apply are mentioned below.

SSB Recruitment 2013 for HC,SI jobs Online Application form

Vacancy details:
Number of post: 109
Name of the post: 
1. SI (Staff Nurse) (Female)- 47
2. ASI(pharmacist) (Male & Female) - 7
3. ASI Radiographer (M&F) - 10
4. ASI Operation theater technician- 02
5. ASI Dental technician -02
6. HC (Steward) -03
7. CT(lab Asstt.) - 33
8. CT(Ayah) - 05

Age limit: Candidates must posses age  for the post of staff nurse 21-30 years, for ASI 20-30 years, for HC post 18-25 years, constable required age 18-25 years as on 31.07.2013.

Educational qualifications: Candidates must have 10+2, diploma, matriculation. post wise details are available in the website.

Application fee: General and OBC candidates have to pay the fee 50/- in the form of bank draft drawn in favaour of DIG, SHQ.SSB.Purnea payable at SBI branch Purnea.

Selection process: Candidates selection for the post of SSB recruitment of HC,SI jobs is based on the Documentation, PST, PET, written test, medical examination.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested and eligible for this jobs recruitment of SSB of HC, SI they apply through online application form. Candidates need to download  online application form from the website, filled this form with all required details and affix pass port size photograph with receipt of fee, along with all testimonials and certificates and two self addressed 4*9 cm envelop affix with 25/- worth postage stamp and envelop containing  application super scribes with "application for the post of ............................".

Candidates must visit for the details of SSB recruitment of HC, SI jobs and online application form.

last date of receipt of application: 31.07.2013

SSB Recruitment 2013 for 109 Para Medical Staff online application form

SSB released a notification for the recruitment of  Para Medical Staff Jobs through online application form

SSB para medical staff recruitment details: Sashastra seema bal SSB has released a notification for the recruitment of para medical staff through online application form through website Candidates who are interested for recruitment of  jobs SSB they must follow official website SSB recruit total 109 numbers of para medical staff jobs through this notification invited online application form. This para medical staff vacancies filling up the vacancies of Group B & C, Non gazetted, para medical staff in SSB. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of SSB they must visit official website for the para medical staff jobs details and online application form. Required details of SSB recruitment of para medical staff like age, qualification, selection, how to apply, fee are mentioned below.

SSB Recruitment 2013 for 109 Para medical Staff jobs Online Application Form

Vacancy Details:
Total Number of Posts: 109
Name of the post: para medical staff
1.Group -B
i.SI (Staff Nurse) - 47
2. Group - C
i. ASI (Pharmacist) -7
ii. ASI (RadioGrapher) - 10
iii. ASI (Operation theater technician)- 2
iv. ASI (Dental Technician) - 2
v. HC (Steward) - 3
vi. CT(Lab Astt.) - 33
vii. CT(Ayah) - 5

Age limit: Candidates age should be between 21 to 30 years for post Group B and 20 to 30 for  ASI post and 18 to 25 years for HC (Steward) post, CT(Lab Astt. & Ayah) jobs. As on 31.07.2013. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates should posses matriculation, 10+2, Diploma in relevant feild according post. For brief details about educational qualification for post wise refer official website.

Selection process: Candidates selection is based on the documentation, physical standard test, physical efficiency test, written examination, technical test, final medical examination, review medical examination.

Application Fee: Candidates who are belongs to genera and OBc category have to pay the fee 50/- in the form of bank draft drawn in favour of  DIG, SHQ.SSB. purnea payable at SBI Branch purnea(Bihar) code- 0159.

How to apply: Candidates who are eligible for this SSB recruitment of para medical staff jobs they apply through online application form. Candidates need to download this application form from the website duly filled  online application form affix recent passport size photograph along with application fee receipt, attested copies of testimonials two self addressed envelops of 4x9 size with 25/- postage stamp affixed should attached with application form. Envelop containing application shoud be super scribed with "Application for the post of .....................:.And should be sent to the THE DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL, SECTOR HQ.SSB PURENA, POST BOX NO.25, DISTRICT- PURNEA, BIHAR - 854301 on or before 31.7.2013.

Important dates:
Last date of receipt of applications: 31.07.2013.  
Last date of receipt of applications for flung areas: 07.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for details of SSB recruitment of para medical staff jobs and online application form.

SSB Recruitment 2013 for Sub Inspector and Head Constable Jobs Online Application Form

SSB released a notification for the recruitment of Sub Inspector and Head Constable jobs through Online Application Form

SSB recruitment Details 2013: Sashastra  Seema Bal SSB has released a notification for the recruitment of Sub inspector and head Constable jobs through online application form through this notification. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested for this SSB recruitment of sub inspector and head constable jobs they apply through online application form. SSB recruit total 215 sub inspector and head constable jobs through this notification invites online application form. This recruitment details and online application form available in the website Candidates need to download application form and sent before 20.07.2013. Required details of this SSB recruitment of sub inspector and head constable jobs like age, qualification, selection, how to apply are mentioned below.

SSB Recruitment 2013 for Sub Inspector and Head Constable Jobs Online Application Form

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post:
1. Sub Inspector SI(Poineer) - 29
    (Male & Female)
2. Head Constable HC - 186
     (Only Male)
Total Number of post: 215

Age Limit: Candidates should have age for the post SI up to 30 years and for HC jobs must have age 18 to 25 years.Cuttof date as on 20.07.2013.

Education Qualifications:  Candidates should have degree/ Diploma  in civil Engineering from recognized university. Diploma in Auto mobile or motor mechanical engineering or passed matriculation form recognized board/ institute and must posses valid driving licence for heavy vehicle.

Selection process: Candidates selection is based on the Documentation, Written examination,physica standard test (PST), physical efficiency test (PET), Technical Test and medical examination.

Application Fee: General and OBC category candidates have to pay the fee 50/- in the form of bank draft in favour of  account officer, FTR HQ SSB, Patna, (Bihar) payable at SBI patna.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this SSB recruitment of sub inspector and head constable jobs they apply through online application form. Candidates need to download online application form from the website And affix latest pass port size photo graph, application fee, attested copies of testimonials and two self addressed envelop 4x9 size with 25/- postage stamp affix on each  should be attached with application form and this should be reach on or before 20.07.2013  to the address The Inspector General, Froniter HQ SSB, Patna Rukanpura house, Rukanpura, Beli Road, Distt: Patna (Bihar)- 800014.

Candidates visit for the recruitment details for the sub inspector and head constable jobs and online application form.

Last date of receipt of Application: 20.07.2013.

SSB Telecom Recruitment 2013 of ASI HC and Constable Jobs application form

SSB Sashastra Seema Bal released a notification for recruitment of ASI HC Constable jobs

SSB Recruitment details: Sashstra Seema Bal SSB released a notification for the Telecom recruitment of ASI HC and Constable jobs through this notification.Applications are invited from the male candidates.This recruitment details are published in website SSB recruit the total number of jobs are 766 in yjis 766 vacancies for the ASI 43, Head Constable (HC) 632 and for Constable 91.Candidates who are interested for the recruitment follow the official website Candidates who are interes in the SSB jobs of ASI HC and constable jobs they apply through online application form. this onine application form avalible in the details and  application form download through the website.And fill  application form with all details send before closing date.Required details of SSB recruitment like age,qualification, fee how to apply are mentioned below.

SSB Recruitment 2013 of ASI HC and Constable Jobs online application form 

Vacancy Details:
Total number of vacancies: 766
Name of the post:
1. ASI(Assistant Sub Inspector)
2. Head Constable

Age limit: Candidates must have age between 18 to 25 years for 1,2 post and 18 to 23 for constable job.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have qualifications metric or diploma in electronics ,communications , Matriculation or 2 years ITI certificates in electronics/eqqivalent science from recognized board or institution/equivalent.

Application fee:Application fee is 50Rs/- in form bank draft in favor of account officer,SSB FTR,HQ,Lucknow payble at SBI Luknow.No fee will be charged for SC/ST?Ex-serviceman candidate.

Selection process: Selection of candidates for recruitment of SSB jobs  is based on the Documentation,Physical efficiency test,  Physical standard test,Medical examination, written examination.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested and eligible for the recruitment of SSB ASI HC and constable jobs they have to neaty typed on A4 size paper and  with admit card  fill with all details with pass port size photo graph and application fee copies of testimonials and 2 self addressed envelop 4x9 size with 25/- postage stamp affix on the envelop and envelop containing application must be superscribes with Application for the ----------------------.   sent on or before closing date to  the Inspector General,Frontier HQ,SSB Luknow, sankalp Bhawan ,Vibhut Khand Tc/35- V-2,Gomati Nager,Luknow(UP)- 226010.

Last date of submission of application 20.06.2013
For more details about SSB ASI, HC and Constable Jobs click below link.And also application form