SSB released a notification for Recruitment for HC, SI jobs through online application form
SSB Recruitment 2013: sasharta Seema Bal SSB has released a notification for the recruitment of HC,SI jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested for this SSB jobs HC,SI recruitment they must apply through online application form. SSB recruit total 109 jobs through this notification.Candidates need to download application form from the website and duly filled form and sent before 31.07.2013. Candidates who are interested for this SSB jobs they must follow official website for the details and online application form. Required details of this recruitment of SSB HC,SI jobs like age,qualification, fee, how to apply are mentioned below.
SSB Recruitment 2013 for HC,SI jobs Online Application form
Vacancy details:
Number of post: 109
Name of the post:
1. SI (Staff Nurse) (Female)- 47
2. ASI(pharmacist) (Male & Female) - 7
3. ASI Radiographer (M&F) - 10
4. ASI Operation theater technician- 02
5. ASI Dental technician -02
6. HC (Steward) -03
7. CT(lab Asstt.) - 33
8. CT(Ayah) - 05
Age limit: Candidates must posses age for the post of staff nurse 21-30 years, for ASI 20-30 years, for HC post 18-25 years, constable required age 18-25 years as on 31.07.2013.
Educational qualifications: Candidates must have 10+2, diploma, matriculation. post wise details are available in the website.
Application fee: General and OBC candidates have to pay the fee 50/- in the form of bank draft drawn in favaour of DIG, SHQ.SSB.Purnea payable at SBI branch Purnea.
Selection process: Candidates selection for the post of SSB recruitment of HC,SI jobs is based on the Documentation, PST, PET, written test, medical examination.
How to apply: Candidates who are interested and eligible for this jobs recruitment of SSB of HC, SI they apply through online application form. Candidates need to download online application form from the website, filled this form with all required details and affix pass port size photograph with receipt of fee, along with all testimonials and certificates and two self addressed 4*9 cm envelop affix with 25/- worth postage stamp and envelop containing application super scribes with "application for the post of ............................".
Candidates must visit for the details of SSB recruitment of HC, SI jobs and online application form.
last date of receipt of application: 31.07.2013