Showing posts with label ANGRAU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ANGRAU. Show all posts ANGRAU recruitment 2013 for Teaching Jobs Online Application Form

ANGRAU released a recruitment notification for the teaching jobs through online application form

  1. Acharya N.G.Ranga Agriculture University ANGRAU has released a recruitment notification for the teaching jobs through online application form. Thisj obs details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are eligible for this recruitment of teaching jobs they must follow official website for details and online application form. 
  3. ANGRAU recruitment  134 numbers Assistant professor as faculty of agriculture and  home science.
  4. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of teaching jobs they download online application form from the website Last date for submission of application form 16.09.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
Name of the posts:
A. Faculty of Agriculture
1. Assistant professor cadre: 104
B. Faculty of agriculture Engineering & technology
1. Assistant professor cadre: 24
C. Faculty of Home Science:
1. Assistant professor: 06
Total number of posts: 134

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses bachelor degree and Masters degree, M.Tech , MBA in relevant discipline from recognized university. Candidates see notification for brief details of qualifications.

Fee: SC/ST candidates have to apy 500/- and other candidates have to apy 1000/- in the form of demand draft in favour of comptroller, ANGRAU, Hyderabad.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this teaching jobs of ANGRAU recruitment they have to apply through online application form. Candidates download application form from the website Duly filled online application form should be submit with 5 sets copies of certified degree or provisional certificates and marks sheets and DD reach before Registrar, Acharya N.G.Ranga Agriculture University, Rajendranager, Hyderabad- 500030 before 16.09.2013 by 4.00 pm.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of teaching jobs of ANGRAU details and online application form.

Last date for receipt of application: 16.09.2013.

ANGRAU Admission Notification 2013-14 for Degree Courses Online Application Form

ANGRAU released a admission notification for the Degree courses through online application form

ANGRAU admission details: Acharya N.G.Ranga Agriculture University ANGRAU has released admission notification for the degree courses. This admission notification details and online application form are officially published in website This Degree courses are B.Sc Ag, B.Sc(CA&BM), B.Tech (Food Technology), B.V.Sc. & A.H, B.F.Sc, B.Sc Hons. This admission notification is combined admission into degree courses in various colleges of  ANGRAU Hyderabad, Venkateshwara veterinary University, Tirupathi, Dr.Y.S.R horticulture university, west godavari Dist. During the academic year 2013-14. candidates download the online application form the website,  fill this form & reach before 12-7-2013. Required details of this admission notification ANGRAU like age, qualification, selection, how to apply are given below.

ANGRAU Admission Notification 2013-14 for Degree Courses Online Application Form

Admission Details:
Name of the courses:
1. B.Sc Agriculture
2. B.Sc (CA&BM)
3. B.Tech (Food Technology)
4. B.V.Sc & A.H
5. B.F.Sc
6. B.Sc (Hons) horticulture

Seat Available:  
In A.N.G. Agriculture university:
1. B.Sc Agriculture - 700
2. B.Sc (CA& BM) - 40
3. B.Tech Food Technology - 45
In SV Veterinary University:
1. B.V.Sc & A.H - 240
2. B.F.Sc- 30
In Dr. Y.S.R Agriculture university:
1. B.Sc.(Hons) Horticulture- 210
2. B.Sc (hons) horticulture Pay. - 20.

Eligibility: Candidates must have passed two years intermediate examination conducted by the Board of intermediate education A.P or any other recognized intermediate board with subjects Physical science, Biological or Natural science.

Age limit: Candidates age should be required to have completed 17 years as on 31st December of year of admission. Upper age limit 22 years for all candidates and 25 years for SC and ST candidates and for 27 years Physically handicapped candidates.

 Fee: Rs 400/- for Sc/ST candidates and 800/- for all other candidates have to pay as registration fee in the form of Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized bank in  favour of Comptroller, Achraya N.G.Ranga Agriculture University, payable at hyderabad.

Selection Process: Candidates selection for the ANGRAU degree courses is made by Rank obtained the EMCET-2013. More details about selection see official website.

How to apply: Candidates who are eligible for this ANGRAU degree courses they have to apply through online application form. Candidates need to download application form from the website Applicants fill this form with all required details and affix pass port size photo graph and should reach The Registrar, Administrative Office,  Acharya N.G.Ranga Agriculture University, Rajendranager, Hyderabad- 500030 on or before 12-7-2013, with all required enclosures.

Candidates must visit details of admission notification of ANGRAU of degree courses and online application form.

Last date submission of application: 12-7-2013

Click here for details of admission notification and online application form

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AGRICET Admission Notification 2013 In ANGRAU for B.Sc Ag online application Form

AGRICET Admission Notification In ANGRAU published B.Sc Ag Course  year of 2013-14 Invited online Application form

AGRICET Admission Details:ANGRAU published the admission notification for the B.Sc Ag course for the year of 2013-14. This Entrance exam details and online application form are officially published in the website ANGRAU invites application from candidates who are Diploma Holders in agriculture and seed Technology  for admission into four years B.SC Ag  degree programme for the academic year 2013-14. Candidates who are eligible fort his AGRICET admissions of  ANGRAU for the B.Sc Ag course they passed Agriculture/seed technology  diploma course.Candidate who are interested for this Admission through entrance exam they follow official website This Admission details and Online application form available in the website Candidates download online application form of AGRICET the website and fill the form and should reach 15.06.2013. Required details of this admission lke eligibility,age, No.of seats ,fee, how to apply are mentioned below.

AGRICET Admission Notification 2013 in ANGRAU for B.Sc Ag Online Application Form

Admission Details:
Eligibility: Candidate pass in Agriculture /Seed Technology Diploma course from ANGRAU(Those who are going to complete in 2013-14 academic year can also apply.)

Age limit:Candidates shall be required to have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission.The upper age limit for all the candidates is 22 and 25 years for SC,ST and 27 years for PH candidates.

Total Seats:  93 seats in B.Sc Ag(84 for Agriculture diploma students and 9 for Seed technology diploma students).

Fee: 300/- for General Candidates and 150/- for SC,ST,and PH candidates Drawn in favour of Comptroller,ANGRAU,payable at Hyderabad.

How to Apply: Candidates who are eligible for  the notification of ANGRAU in AGRICET  Admissions  of B.Sc Ag they can download online application form through the website the download of online application fil the with all required details in all respects along with 2 sef addressed envelop with 5Rs/- Stamp affixed and send to by person or by post to convener, AGRICET -2013, Department of Entomology, college of Agriculture, RajendraNagar, Hyderabad -500030 should reach by 15.6.2013.

Important Dates:
1. Last date of receipt of Application : 15.06.2013
2. Date of Entrance Examination : 30.06.2013
3. Hall - Tickets Issue Date: 17.06.2013 to 26.06.2013.

Candidates who eligible for this Admissions in AGRICET in ANGRAU for B.Sc Ag Course they must visit offciial website and also available Online application form.

ANGRAU Recruitment 2013 Dean and Director jobs online Application Form

ANGRAU recruitment Notification for Dean and Director jobs online Application Form @

ANGRAU recruitment Details2013:Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricuture University ANGRAU released a notification for the recruitment of Dean and Director jobs.Details of this recruitment published in website The same way ANGRAU recruit the Dean and Director jobs invited online application form through this notification.Notification details and online application form available in the website should have to visit official website for the details of recruitment of Dean and director jobs and online application form.And also candidates need to download online application form and duly filed this application form and should be reach on or be fore closing date. Brief Details of this notification provided in the website details of this notification like age,qualification,fee selection,how to apply are mentioned below.

ANGRAU Recruitment 2013 Dean and Director Jobs Online Application Form

Recruitment Details:
Name of the Post:
1. Dean of Agriculture
2. Dean of Post graduation studies
3. Dean of student Affairs
4. Dean of Home science
5. Director of  Agricultural Experiment Station
6. Director of Extension

Educational Qualification: Applicants Should have education for the ANGRAU recruitment Bachelor/Masteres/P.Hd in Agriculture Science/Home Science from recognized university and with experience.

Age limit: Candidate who are eligible for the Dean and Director jobs they need 58 years as on date of receipt of application.

Selection process: Candidates selection is based on the interview for the recruitment of ANGRAU Dean and Director Jobs.

Fee details: Rs/- 500 for SC/ST candidates and Rs/-1000for all others in the form of crossed demand draft drawn in favour of any nationalized bank in favour of Comptroller ANGRAU payabe at Hyderabad. 

How to Apply: Candidates who are eligible and interested for the recruitment of ANGRAU of Dean and Director jobs they apply through online application form the website the online application form candidates need to visit website and download the online application form.After the download online application form fill the form with all details and affix a latest pass port size photograph and required documents and receipt of DD.This completed application form in all respect(Sets) and should reach before 05.06.2013 to Registrar,ANGRAU, Rajendranager,Hyderabad.

Candidates visit for the website Download online application form.
Last date of receipt of application 05.06.2013