Showing posts with label Teaching jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teaching jobs. Show all posts

PGIMS Recruitment 2013 for Teaching Jobs download online application form

PGIMS released a recruitment notification for the teaching jobs through online application form

  1. Pt. B.D. Sharma University of health Sciences Rohatak released a recruitment notification for the teaching jobs through online application form. This jobs details are officially published in website
  2. This teaching jobs in medical/non medical/dental. This jobs are Sr. Teacher (Dental), Teacher (Assistant professor- medical/non medical) and Teacher (Assistant professor - medical), Teacher (Assistant professor super specialists), teacher (Assistant professor Dental).
  3. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website for recruitment details and online application form. Total number of posts are 70.
  4. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through online application form download from the website Last date for submission of application 08.11.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details: 
Name of the posts: 
1. Senior professor Dental - 02
2. Teacher Assistant professor (medical/non medical) -10
3.  Teacher assistant professor (medical)  36
4.Teacher (Assistant professor super specialist) - 19
5. Teacher (Assistant professor- Dental) - 03
Total number of posts: 70.

Age: Candidates age should be not less than 32 years and not more than 62 years for post no. 1 and not less than 25 years and not more than 55 years for remaining posts.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses MDS and M.SC/Ph.D/ and MD/MS according to posts. See notification for the qualifications details.

Fee : General category candidates pay 500/- and SC/ST candidates pay 125/- in the form of demand draft in the name of controller finance, Pt. B.D. sharma university of health science rohatak.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through  official website download online application form from website Duly filled application form submit on or before 08.11.2013 reach to the address O/O the assistant registrar, recruitment & establishment cell, university of health sciences Rohatak.

Candidates must visit  for the recruitment details of PGIMS teaching jobs and online application form.

Last date for submission of receipt of application: 08.11.2013. ANGRAU recruitment 2013 for Teaching Jobs Online Application Form

ANGRAU released a recruitment notification for the teaching jobs through online application form

  1. Acharya N.G.Ranga Agriculture University ANGRAU has released a recruitment notification for the teaching jobs through online application form. Thisj obs details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are eligible for this recruitment of teaching jobs they must follow official website for details and online application form. 
  3. ANGRAU recruitment  134 numbers Assistant professor as faculty of agriculture and  home science.
  4. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of teaching jobs they download online application form from the website Last date for submission of application form 16.09.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
Name of the posts:
A. Faculty of Agriculture
1. Assistant professor cadre: 104
B. Faculty of agriculture Engineering & technology
1. Assistant professor cadre: 24
C. Faculty of Home Science:
1. Assistant professor: 06
Total number of posts: 134

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses bachelor degree and Masters degree, M.Tech , MBA in relevant discipline from recognized university. Candidates see notification for brief details of qualifications.

Fee: SC/ST candidates have to apy 500/- and other candidates have to apy 1000/- in the form of demand draft in favour of comptroller, ANGRAU, Hyderabad.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this teaching jobs of ANGRAU recruitment they have to apply through online application form. Candidates download application form from the website Duly filled online application form should be submit with 5 sets copies of certified degree or provisional certificates and marks sheets and DD reach before Registrar, Acharya N.G.Ranga Agriculture University, Rajendranager, Hyderabad- 500030 before 16.09.2013 by 4.00 pm.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of teaching jobs of ANGRAU details and online application form.

Last date for receipt of application: 16.09.2013.

Utkal University Bhubaneswar Teaching Jobs recruitment 2013 Online Application form

Utkal University bhubaneswar released a recruitment notification for the teaching jobs through online application form

  1. Utkal University Bhubaneswar released a recruitment notification for the teaching jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates must follow official website for the details of recruitment and online application form. Utkal University recruitment total 50 numbers of teaching jobs through this notification.
  3. Candidates download this online application form of utkal university teaching jobs  from the website and duly filled form sent before 20.7.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy details:
Name of the post: 
1. professor
2. Readers
3. lecturers
Total number of posts:50

Age limit: Applicants age of superannuation  60 years.

Educational Qualifications: An eminent scholar with Ph.D in relevant discipline and good academic record with doctoral degree with 55% of marks from recognized university. See notification for detailed information.

Fee: Candidates have to pay 500/- in the shape of demand Draft drawn in favour of comptroller of finance, utkal university, payable at SBI bhubaneswar.

Selection: candidates selection for the Teaching jobs is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of teaching jobs of Utkal university they apply through online application form , these can be download from the website Candidates duly filled this from along with DD seven copies of online application form with all self attested copies of certificates should be reach to the address Registrar, utkal University, Vani Vihar,bhubaneswar - 751004 on or before 20.07.2013.The envelop containing application superscribed with "Application or the post of............... ."

Candidates visit for the recruitment of Utkal University teaching jobs details and online application form.

Last date for submission of application: 20.07.2013

IGNOU Recruitment 2013 for Teaching Jobs Online Application form

IGNOU released a recruitment notification for the teaching jobs through online application form 

  1. Indira Gabdhi National Open University IGNOU  has released a recruitment notification for the teaching jobs through online application form. This IGNOU recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. IGNOU  invites online application form for the recruitment of teaching jobs. IGNOU recruitment total 126 teaching jobs this notification. This recruitment details and online application form available in the website 
  3. Candidates need to download online application form from the website duly filled application form reach before 31.07.2013. Candidates visit official website  for the details of teaching jobs.
  4. This teaching jobs are professor, associate professor, assistant professors.
Candidates see below for detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details: 
Name of the posts:
1. Professor - 27
2. Associate professor - 36
3. Assistant professor - 63
Total number of posts: 126

Educational Qualifications: Candidates see official notification for the qualifications.

Fee: General OBC candidates have to pay 200/- and SC/ST candidates have to pay 50/- in the form of demand draft drawn in favor of IGNOU payable at new delhi.

Application form: Candidates application form obtain from the director, academic coordination division, 1st floor, room no. 109, beside VC office, Indira Gandhi National Open university, Maidangarhi, New delhi - 110068 and also obtain by post enclosing a self addressed envelop of A4 size with 50/- on the envelop, candidates download online application form from the website

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this teaching jobs of  IGNOU recruitment they have to apply through online application form. This online application form download from the website This filled form along with all copies of supporting document/certificates should be reach before 31.07.2013 to the above mentioned addrss.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of IGNOU teaching jobs and online application form.

Starting date for issue  application form: 10.07.2013
Closing date for receipt of application: 31.07.2013

Indira Gandhi National Open University IGNOU Recruitment 2013 for teaching jobs Online application form www.

IGNOU released recruitment notification for the Teaching  jobs of  through online application form

IGNOU recruitment details: Indira Gandhi national Open University IGNOU has released a recruitment notification for the teaching jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published website Candidates who are interested for this jobs of IGNOU they apply through online application form. Candidates must follow IGNOU official website of for the recruitment details and online application form. IGNOU recruitment total 126 teaching jobs through this notification. This teaching josa are Professor, Associate professor, Assistant professor. Candidates can download online application form through the website or obtain form office of the IGNOU during office hours. last date submission of application 31.07.2013. Required details of this recruitment of IGNOU teaching jobs like qualification, selection, how to apply are mentioned below.

Indira Gandhi National open University IGNOU Recruitment 2013 for Teaching Jobs Online application form

Vacancy Details:
Number of posts: 126
Name of the post:
1. Professor
2. Associate professor
3. Assistant professor

Application form:  Candidates who are applying fort his teaching jobs they obtained application from from the office of IGNOU or download form the website from 10.06.2013 on wards.

Fee: General & OBC Candidates have to pay  220/- and SC/ST candidates have to pay 50/- in form of demand draft drawn in favour of  IGNOU payable at new Delhi.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for this IGNOU recruitment teaching jobs  they apply through online application form. This online application form can be download form the website or obtained form the Director, Academic coordination division., 1st Floor, Room No. 109, Beside V.C. office, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110068. After the download the online application form  fill this form along prescribed amount, supporting documents/certificates should reach above mentioned address on or before 31.07.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of IGNOU teaching jobs and online application form.

Starting of date for download of application: 10.06.2013
Last date for submission of application: 31.07.2013.