Tamil Nadu Open University released a notification for the recruitment of Junior Assistant jobs through application form www.tnou.ac.in
Tamil Nadu Open University Recruitment details: Tamil Nadu Open university has released a notification for the recruitment of junior assistant jobs through this notification. This notification details are officially published in website www.tnou.ac.in. Candidates who are interested for this jobs of Tamil Nadu open university junior assistant recruitment they must follow www.tnou.ac.in. Tamil Nadu open university recruit total 14 numbers of jobs through this notification invited application form. Candidates who eligible for this junior assistant jobs they apply on or before 28.06.2013 through application form which is available in the office of the registrar of Tamil Nadu open university. Required details for this recruitment of junior assistant jobs like educational qualifications, application fee,how to apply are mentioned below.
Tamil Nadu Open University Recruitment 2013 for junior Assistant jobs Application Form www.tnou.ac.in
Vacancy Details:
name of the post: junior Assistant
Number of post: 14
Educational qualifications: Candidates must posses at east bachelor degree from recognized university and working knowledge of computer and typewriting higher grade in Tamil & English.
Application fee: Candidates who are eligible for this recruitment of junior assistant jobs the application forms are obtained from the office of the registrar, Tamil Nadu open university No. 577, Anna salai, saidapet Chennai by sending requisition accompanied by demand draft Rs/- 350 or by person payment of cash 300/- drawn in favour of Tamil Nadu open university payable at chennai.
How to apply: Candidates must apply through application form for junior assistant jobs which is available in the above mentioned address and fill this form and this form should be reach on or before 28.06.2013 to the registrar,Tamil Nadu open university, No. 577 salai, saidapet Chennai-600015.
Candidates must visit www.tnou.ac.in for the recruitment of Tamil Nadu Open university junior assistant jobs details.
Important date:
Last date of receipt of application: 28.06.2013 by 5.00PM