Ordnance Clothing Factory Recruitment 2013 Group C jobs Apply online Application www.ocfs.fov.in

ordnance clothing factory released a recruitment notification for the Group C jobs apply online application www.ocfs.gov.in

  1. Ordnance Clothing Factory has released a recruitment notification for the Group C jobs through online application. this jobs details are officially published in website www.ocfs.gov.in.
  2. Candidates who are interested for this jobs of ordnance clothing factory they must follow official website www.ocfs.gov.in. Ordnance clothing factory recruitment 177 numbers of Group C jobs through online application.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this jobs of ordnance clothing factory recruitment they must apply through online application. last date submission of online application 21 day from the opening of website of online application.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details: 
Name of the posts: Group C
1. Durwan
2. Electrician SS
3. Fireman
4. Fitter electronics SS
5. Fitter mechanic SS
6. labour SS
7. midwife
8. Milwright
9. Pharmacist
10. Radio grapher.
11.Sr. nurse grade- II
12. Tailor SS
13. Ward Sahayak
Total number of posts: 181

Age limit: Candidates age should be 20-27 years for post no.1 and 18-32 years for 2,4,6,8& 5, 12 and 3,7,9 &  10,13, 11 required 18-27 years. Age relaxation is applicable as per rule.

Educational Qualification: Candidates must posses NCTVT certificate or ITI or equivalent, matriculation, 10+2, nursing midwifery course. Candidates see post vise details in notification.

Fee: Candidates have to apy 50/- in the form of demand draft/ crossed Indian postal order drawn in favour of general manager, ordnance clothing factory, shahjahanpur.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the written test, trade test, skill test.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of ordnance clothing factory of Group C jobs they have to apply through online application through website www.ocfs.gov.in. Last date for submission of  application 21 day from the opening of online application of website. candidates take a printout after successful submission this hard copy should be reach on or before 18.09.2013 along with DD at OCF shahajanpur.

Candidates must visit www.ocfs.gov..in for the recruitment of ordnance clothing factory group C jobs details and apply online application.

last date for submission of application: 21 day from the opening of  website of online application.
last date submission of hard copy of application: 18.09.2013

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